Emma shoots me a look, and I shrug apologetically.
"That sounds like a good choice," she agrees. "Maybe the community center will be a good option for the silent auction, then. I'm sure you two have sorted that all out, don't mind me butting in. We'll get the word out about this wonderful project. Cedar Creek will be all about it, don't worry."
We move on to our next stop, a local florist, and the gentleman who owns it nearly falls all over himself trying to please Emma when she gives him the details of why we’re there. I don't blame the guy. Anyone with half a brain can see her appeal. She's charming and witty, and the radiance that fills her eyes can't be ignored.
"How could I say no to a pretty lady like you?" he gushes. "This is a wonderful cause, and you know how much I love animals. Let me write you a check."
"Thank you so much," Emma answers. “But today we’re just getting the word out about the dates. We’ll be back again for donations. Could you put the flyer up in the window in the meantime, please?”
“Absolutely!” She hands him the brightly colored paper.
Before we leave, he hands me a bouquet of sunflowers. "It's about time you give this girl a proper date. She deserves a gorgeous bouquet, so take this. If I remember from when she was younger, they are her favorite. And don't worry, I won't tell a soul."
"Uh, thanks," I mutter.
"And, Emma," he adds, giving me a conspiratorial wink. "Make him take you somewhere nice, yeah?"
I can feel the blood rush to my face. Apparently, the whole town can see the way I look at Emma. The only person who doesn't seem to fully get it is her.
"Will do," she replies, giggling at me. "You hear that? Somewhere fancy."
We say good-bye and move on to the next shop. Neither of us mentions the awkward comments from the florist. Well, maybe they weren’t awkward for her. I might need to be more conscious of the way I look at her. I didn’t know it was so obvious.
Buddy leads the way, sniffing the air as we walk, and I follow after him. His limp is almost gone, although I'll probably end up carrying him before long. I’ll miss his doggy swagger.
"Hey, Sterling, you know what I just realized?" Emma asks as we leave the shop.
"What's that?"
"This is like old times. Remember when we used to go around the neighborhood handing out flyers for the annual Halloween party?"
I chuckle, remembering. "Yeah, I was never into that. And I hated the costumes. You and Peter always made us go in some theme."
"It wasn't that bad. We had some fun," she says, nudging my arm.
“Really? How about the time we went as bacon and eggs, with you as the chef? I was the bacon and you kept making me lay down on the ground at every house so you could pretend to flip me with your ridiculously giant spatula."
Emma throws her head back and laughs. “I can’t believe I forgot about that. You loved it! Just admit it.”
“We definitely got extra candy that year, but you realize there’s no one else in this world who could’ve gotten me to do that but you.”
And there it is. The smile that’s like an Emma vice grip, rendering me powerless until she decides to release her hold on me. I’m sure she flashed it back then when I was a teenage boy to convince me to dress up like bacon.
“Come on, let's hit up the grocery store to prime them for future donations.” She bounds away and the movement in my limbs is restored.
The grocery store is a short walk from the florist, and Buddy follows his nose inside. We step through the automatic doors, and the cool air of the air conditioning feels like heaven against my hot skin. The lights are a little bright, and the aisles are a bit cramped, but it's a nice place to get your daily errands done.
"Hey, Mr. Jones!" Emma calls out.
Mr. Jones is the owner and a sweet and jovial man. He's the type of guy who always wears a smile and has a twinkle in his eyes. He's also a bit of a gossip, and he knows everything about everyone in town. He's a big fan of Emma too, but who isn’t really? He beams as we approach him.
"Emma, my dear, how are you?" he booms, pulling her into a hug. "And Sterling, of course. It's so nice to see you both. What can I do for you? Name it, and it's yours."
"Thank you, Mr. Jones," Emma says, taking his hand and giving it a squeeze. "I'm glad you asked, because we have something important to talk to you about.”
"Anything for you, Emma. You know that. Ooh, who’s this little guy?" Buddy sniffs him eagerly.
“Well, he’s a big part of why we’re here. Sterling and I found him at the summer festival. He’s a stray. Long story short, we realized this town desperately needs a bigger shelter for animals like him. Sterling is looking to renovate the old factory and add a wing as a shelter. But, we need to raise the funds to make it happen.”