“So, what happens next?”

Okay. So clearly the bro chat is going to continue on forever.

“Emma says she’s going to extend her visit for the rest of the summer so we can work together on a few events.”

More smiling. This really isn’t my personality. He’s got to see through it.

“Just as a helpful friend, correct?” Peter's eyebrows are doing some crazy stretches.

“Of course. She really loves dogs and is very excited about the whole thing.”

Peter asks a few more questions about the details of the events. As we continue our conversation, I can’t shake the unease in the back of my mind. Peter has no idea how I really feel about Emma.

In high school, I joked about getting his permission to ask her out once, just to see what his reaction would be. It was not good. I didn’t even get the full sentence out before he shot me down.

I don’t even know why exactly. I mean, I understand it could get awkward between us if things end badly with Emma. And I don’t have the greatest history with women, but with Emma it would be different. I know it would.

Being around her again made me realize I don’t want to miss out on what could be my last chance with her. Peter didn’t come right out and say it, but I can tell that Emma is still off-limits to me because she’s his sister.

While I understand his concerns, my feelings for Emma are already in motion. I don’t think I could stop them now even if I wanted to. And I don’t.

But none of that actually matters right now because even though I'm sure of how I feel, I don’t really know if she feels the same. I need to find out.

Chapter eleven


When I arrive at the clinic, Sterling is already there, standing near the entrance with a wide grin. "Hey, Dr. Grumpy. What's got you so happy?"

He chuckles, shaking his head. "I'm just in a good mood. And you, Ms. Sunshine? You can't wipe the grin off your face, either."

I laugh and lean forward to hug him. His strong arms wrap around my body, and for a moment, the world stops. His embrace is warm and comforting, and I'm tempted to linger in it. I could melt into his chest and stay there forever. But we don't need a replay of what happened last time I was here.

Part of me was proud of myself for being bold, but I saw quickly how it could have gotten out of hand. I'm not sure if I was going to stop him before I accidentally clocked him in the nose. Best to keep everything friendly, real friendly, not friendly like the other day. You know what I mean.

I reluctantly pull back. "I'm so excited about this. We're really going to make a difference around here."

"You bet," he says, leading the way into the clinic. He's not being weird, whew.

We stop in front of one of the rooms in the hallway. Sterling points to the door. “There’s someone else in there who wanted to help with our project.”

I open the door to see Buddy standing there, tail wagging like crazy. I sit down to greet him, and he doggy swaggers his way to my lap immediately. “Hey there, cutey! I missed you!”

Buddy does his version of what I believe means “I missed you too” by trying to lick my face nonstop. “Okay, little fella, settle down.” I squeeze him a little tighter and he relaxes a bit.”

I turn to Sterling. “Be honest with me now. You love having him around, don’t you? I mean, how could you not? Look at that face.”

Buddy plays up the moment by cocking his head to the side and looking up at Sterling like he knows we’re talking about him.

Sterling can’t hold his dimples in. “Yes, he’s a fun little guy. We’ve had to have some heart-to-hearts about not chewing on my shoes, but overall, he’s been great.”

“I knew it! You’re quite the softy yourself.”

I scoop Buddy up into my arms and we head out the door and to the back conference room, trailing slowly behind Sterling.

“I don’t mind the view from back here.”

“Did you say something?” Sterling asks.