“Hey you dirty biatch!
Hope you have a good night, I've been called in to work as Jamie has called in sick again ... shocker!
But I get off around 11 o'clock. If ur back by then come meet me for lunch, I’ve got loads to tell you before we head to the carnival.
I can’t help but smirk as I read the note. I pull out my phone to check the time and realize it's barely even 10 am so I've got a few hours to kill yet, so make my way towards our bathroom. I turn on the shower and allow the steam to fill the room before climbing in.
I enjoy the feel of the hot water cascading down my back as I finally take a moment to think about the last twenty-four hours. I can't believe I left my home to go to a concert, concerned about being forced to share air with Justin and then somehow ended up in bed with Gabe. Gabe, the rough, tough guy from the wrong side of town. The asshole who likes to grumble at people and be a dick towards everyone. The ‘bad boy’ Lexi and all her friends tried to warn me to stay away from because he’s dangerous. But is he really? Or is that just what he’s allowed everyone to believe?
I reach for the shower gel and begin lathering up my achy body as I continue thinking. I mean, sure he can be an asshole at times, and his potty mouth might not be everyone's taste. Even though it drives my body wild.
I finish my shower and step out as I continue thinking about Gabe. I guess to the outside world his tough, no nonsense attitude can seem off putting. But every so often I get glimmers of a guy desperate for a connection. Someone who just needs someone to see through the tough, cocky exterior, to the sweetheart buried inside. Oh fuck! He’s a misunderstood villain in need of redemption, I suddenly realize. Of course you fell for him. He’s a walking, talking red flag.
I can’t help but laugh at myself. I've never been one for the nice guys, not even in movies or books. I've always fallen for the villain who likes to watch the world burn, rather than the hero hoping to save it.
Chapter Eleven
Iwake up and at first I'm a little confused about where I am. But looking around the memories soon flood in. Going to the concert, and seeing Stacey, beating up her ex-boyfriend, then coming back here and getting to watch her come undone for me.
Then I remember that we had fallen asleep together. I look around and don't see her. I rush to the bathroom, hoping she's in the shower but she's gone.
Wait, did she leave? What the Fuck?! Did she sneak out while I was sleeping? Did she wake up regretting last night and run?
So many questions run through my mind. Why do I even care? I leave girls all the time, fuck ‘em then chuck ‘em, so why does it bother me this time?
I jump on my bike and head home, back to my own prison in the woods. The home is filled with more nightmares than I can count. I pull up and make my way inside. “Nate?.... Nate…Nathaniel, you here?” No answer.
I rush towards his bedroom and bang on the door. “Nate, you in here?” I push the door open slowly, “If you're wanking in here, say something as I don't wanna see that shit,” I call as I head inside.
But his bed is empty too. Where the fuck is he?
I’m just about to call him when I hear a door slam. I head towards the front door and see Nate standing in the hallway removing his shoes.
“Where the fuck have you been?” I ask.
“Sorry, I've been up since the early hours and couldn't get back to sleep as I was too nervous and excited for today. So I decided to go for a run to settle my nerves.”
“Nervous for today? Why?” I ask, but when I see the smile drop from Nate’s face I realize I should know.
“You forgot didn't you?” Nate says sadly.
Shit! What the hell are we supposed to be doing? I rack my brain for an answer but nothing comes.
“Of course I didn't forget,” I lie. “I just meant you have nothing to be nervous about; it’ll be fine.”
“Nothing to be nervous about? You remember how difficult school was for me, when we moved in with the Jacksons because…..”
Shit, I promised I'd go with him to orientation day. Fuck! I totally forgot.
“.... so that's why I'm so glad you're coming with me.” Nate says, finally stopping to take a breath.
“Of course I'm coming with you. I just have to drop some stuff off to John, but I'll meet you outside the main gate in an hour.” I reassure him as I tap him on the shoulder and then rush off to get the shit done that I need to do. So that I’m on time to be there to be who Nate needs me to be.
An hour later and I'm standing outside the high school, the last place I ever thought I would find myself again, impatiently waiting for Nate to show up. I specifically told him to meet me at twelve o'clock, yet the little shit is almost fifteen minutes late already. If he knew all the strings and favors I had to pull with the head teacher to get him enrolled here, he'd thank me.