“Really, Gabe? You're on a date and you're sexting another girl?” I ask, sitting down beside him, but far enough away that I can't see his phone anymore.
“Nah, it's not like that. She’s no one, and Kelly wouldn’t give a fuck even if she was,” he laughs.
“Well, she's inside alone, maybe we should go back inside, at least pretend you have some manners.” I say, standing and reaching out a hand to help him up, which he pushes away.
“Okay. Whatever.”
Chapter Eight
Ihead back inside and listen to Kelly’s stupid fucking voice drone on about something she and her friend, I don't even remember her name, did the last time they met up.
My phone buzzes in my pocket. And I don't even need to look who it is as I know it's going to be Stacey; we've been texting on and off all night.
She's trying to persuade me to join her at some shitty concert later tonight but I'm not interested.
Cock Tease
Come on, I'll make it worth your while.
I've told you, shitty music is just not my thing.
Nate elbows me in the ribs, clearly trying to get my attention. He nods his chin towards Kelly’s friend, umm, Amanda, maybe? No, Anita, I think is her name, nope that’s wrong too..
“What?” I bite out.
“Oh, I was just asking if you wanted to meet tomorrow. I was hoping to see some of the highlights from the area, I could do it with some handsome tour guides.” Anisha? says. Seriously, what the fuck is her name?
“No!'' I snap back, having absolutely no interest in playing tour guide to some out of town whore.
“Oh, okay,” the friend gasps, clearly surprised by my answer.
“What he means is we're both really busy tomorrow, so can't. Sorry.”
Nate rushes out looking slightly embarrassed. What the fuck does he have to be embarrassed about. I don’t give a shit about what these bitches think of me; why should he be concerned about it?
“Maybe you two would like to take the party back to ours since it's getting late?” Kelly adds in that sickly sweet voice of hers. I cringe, not the least bit interested.
“It’s fucking 8:00 p.m.” I snap back. “We are off anyway, come on Nate.”
“I'm so sorry, I don't know what's gotten into him,” I hear Nate saying as I'm walking away. “It's fine sugar, I'm used to him,'' Kelly replies.
“Nate, hurry up or I'm leaving without you,'' I shout back. I make my way to the truck and that's when I remember he has the key. Fuck!
I have no choice but to wait.
Cock Tease
Last chance sexy, we're leaving in ten minutes and I look like fire.
I smirk again when I see the three fire emojis she's used. I've never been a fan of emojis. I kind of think it makes you seem like an idiot using pictures instead of words, but I gotta admit. It does work.
“There you are,” Nate snaps as he reaches the truck. I tuck my phone back into my pocket and climb inside.
The whole drive back, all Nate does is complain and bitch about the fact I was rude and disrespectful to the girls. Does he not realize Kelly and her friend are two cheap, worthless whores? The only reason they came tonight was because they wanted to get laid.