Page 114 of Gabriel's Salvation

I give her a few snippets of some of the wild times we’ve had together, like the time he tied my arms up and fucked me. She didn’t believe me when I described how this man gives me multiple orgasms in one night, and how much I love the way he can be both sweet and domineering in the same breath.

“Fuck me girl! No wonder you keep going back,” Ava says, fanning herself. “Heck, if I wasn't already with Tucker, I'd be considering stealing him for myself.”

“Keep your hands off my man, you couldn't handle him anyway,” I joke back.

“Yeah, you're probably right,” Ava laughs. “But I may have taken some mental notes to use next time I see Tucker. About time my man learned how to be a little more domineering anyway.”

“Is it safe to come in?” Harper jokes as she and Izzy walk in.

“Yep, just talking about Gabe giving Riley a hand necklace,” Ava replies with a cheeky grin.

“Aww, he got you a necklace, that’s so cute,” Izzy replies naively, which just causes both me and Ava to burst into hysterics.

“What's so funny?” Izzy asks, perplexed.

“You don't wanna know.” Harper barely gets out because she is laughing so hard.

Chapter Thirty-Eight


Reluctantly, I dropped Riley back at home about an hour ago, and now I'm just relaxing at home with a much needed beer.

“There you are,” Nate says as he walks in the front door and sees me in the kitchen.

“Hey Nate, just making myself a sandwich, you want one?” I say with a smile, the same cheesy shit eating grin that's been glued to my face pretty much the whole weekend.

“Who are you and what have you done with my asshole of a brother?” Nate teases.

“Fuck you!” I laugh as I throw a cherry tomato straight at his head. It misses, and Nate bends and picks it up, then tosses it in the trash.

“Nah, seriously, it's nice to see you smiling for once.” Nate beams as he reaches over and steals a tomato from my plate, popping it into his mouth. “So, where have you been all weekend?”

I grab another plate from the cupboard, cut my sandwich in half and place part of it on a plate for Nate. I then grab a Coke and another beer out of the fridge. “ Well….” I begin.

Nate takes his sandwich and grabs two bags of chips for us while I tell him about going to see Tate and how his daughter Trixi helped me pick out proper biker gear for my little Wildfire.

“That's so sweet, yet so you,” Nate says with a smile as we each find a seat outside, making the most of the warm night air.

“Where did you go next?” Nate questions.

“Well, I looked up some of those date ideas you suggested, but I’ll be honest, most of them were boring as fuck. Picnics in the park, strolls on the beach, pottery making, it kinda seems like something a complete pussy would choose.”

I see the expression on Nate's face and realize he and his precious princess have probably done all those things. “No offense,” I add hesitantly.

“Some taken,” Nate frowns, shaking his head.

“Oh shut up. Can you really see me packing a picnic and discussing the weather or nature? Or frolicking on a beach, picking up seashells?” I say with a raised eyebrow.

“Seriously, never use the word frolicking again,” Nate chuckles.

“Point made,” I laugh back.

“Where did you take her instead? Knife throwing? Fire breathing? Monster trucks?” Nate teases.

“Actually, you sarcastic dickhead, I took her to Six Flags.”

“What? That sounds so cool,” Nate comments, sounding like an excited child.