These two squabble, quite literally, like an old married couple. But it's clear to see they’re still so madly in love. I wonder if I'll ever have that. I can't help but smirk as my mind tries to imagine Gabe as a little old man; he’d still be trying to bend me over the dining room table, even with two false hips.
“He’s a boy. What do you expect?” I laugh.
“They never grow up dear; even in their eighties, they’re still just giant babies… a few more years and they’ll be back in diapers,” she laughs.
“You're mean, but I so wanna be you when I grow up,” I say with a laugh as I turn to leave.
I rush upstairs to Izzy's room and see her, Ava, and Harper all relaxing while watching a movie.
“There you fucking are,” Ava gasps. “We were about one hour away from reporting you as a missing person,” she teases.
“Seriously, where the heck have you been?” Harper asks.
“I’ve spent the whole weekend with Gabe. I’ve got so much to tell you all,” I say as I kick my shoes off and throw myself on the bed.
“Thanks for covering for me though, girls.”
“It's fine,” Izzy replies with a smile.
“Don't worry, the girls had a lovely weekend, helped me de-weed the garden,” Ava replies in a little old lady voice, the one I assume she used when she pretended to be Mrs. Williams.
“Go on, tell us all about it. Where did you go? What did you do? Was Gabe nice?” Izzy asks, seeming a little hesitant on the last question.
“He better have been, otherwise, his precious bike will have no tires left. I'm not afraid to go all Carrie Underwood on his ass!” Ava says.
“Honestly, it was the best weekend of my life,” I sigh as some of the memories flood through my brain.
“Better than the time we found twenty dollars on the floor and spent it all on sweets?” Harper jokes.
“Definitely!” I laugh. “At least this one didn't end with me throwing up afterward.”
Izzy grabs a cushion and lays down beside me, resting her head in her hands. “Tell us then, what did you do?”
“He took me to Six Flags…”
“I love that place,” both Ava and Harper say at the same time.
“Never been,” Izzy says softly.
“It's the best, you’d love it!” Ava replies.
“So what happened next?” Izzy asks as she looks at me with excited eyes.
“Well, we went to Six Flags; Gabe had planned it all. Oh yeah, and before we went, he went out and bought me my own leather jacket and helmet, just for me as he said he wants me to be safe and protected on his bike.”
“Aww, that's so nice,” Izzy replies.
“A helmet? And a jacket?” Ava questions, while pulling a ‘that doesn't sound so great’ face.
Who does she think she is snubbing my man's gift like that?
“Yeah, they were actually really nice.” Harper interjects, and I can't help but feel grateful. “They weren't just boring, generic ones, they were actually super cute.”
“I bet he put so much thought into it as well,” Izzy interrupts.
Ava just shrugs in response. Seriously, I love you girl, but fix your face before I fix it for you.
“Okay so you went to Six Flags?” Harper says changing the subject.