“Oh yeah, Mr. Smooth, I bet your first kiss was pretty shitty too,” she huffs.
I think back to my first kiss. Twelve years old. Being basically molested by some woman old enough to be my mother while my scumbag of a father egged her on.
“Let's just say it wasn't as funny as yours,” I say with a sad sigh. “Anyway, where shall we go next?” I ask, not wanting to ruin the best day in my whole life with memories of just how pathetic my childhood really was.
“I kind of don't wanna go home,” Riley admits. “It's been so special today.”
I don't want to leave either. She's right, today has been out of this world. I’ve gotten to be carefree and playful. I've gotten to enjoy myself and experience all sorts of things I never got the opportunity to while growing up. I don't want the day to end either.
“Do you have work tomorrow?” Riley asks and I can tell by the look on her face the cogs are turning.
“I don't have to,” I reply. Sure I was supposed to help with some stuff but I'm sure I could send Nate instead. I've covered for him plenty of times.
“Good,” Riley grins, “because I have an idea.”
“Sounds good; let me just send Nate a message first,” I say as I hand Riley her helmet.
I fire off a quick text asking Nate to cover my shifts all weekend and telling him I'm not sure when I'll be back but that I'll make it up to him.
“Okay, so where are we going then?” I ask as I shove the phone back into my pocket.
“There's a hotel just a few miles away. I can guide the way,” Riley offers.
“I won't be able to hear you very well with our helmets on,” I remind her.
Riley rubs her chin for a couple of seconds before she gets an idea. “I'll squeeze your thigh; whichever side you have to turn, I'll squeeze that thigh. It's not far away at all.”
I don't quite believe it's going to work, but Riley seems determined, so I decide to give her the benefit of the doubt. We climb on the bike and begin driving. Sure enough a little squeeze to pull out left, a little squeeze to turn right, and in no time at all we were pulling up outside a big, white hotel. Thankfully and just in time, because the heavens open up with thick raindrops that begin pelting down on us. Thank god we don't have to drive all the way home in this weather.
I drop Riley off at the main doors, telling her to head inside out of the storm and that I'll follow her soon. I drive off, hoping to find somewhere safe and dry to park my bike.
Chapter Thirty-Three
“Evening ma’am, would it be possible to book a room for tonight, please?” I ask the older woman behind the desk.
“I'll deal with this Anne, you go grab a break,” a younger guy says as he places a hand on his coworker’s shoulder and guides her away from the desk.
“Hello, how can I help you today?” the guy says in a confident yet oddly sultry tone as his eyes scan down my body.
“Hey, so I was looking to grab a room for tonight please,” I say as I tug my jacket closed, trying to cover myself up, realizing now my thin t-shirt is clinging to my damp skin.
“Sure thing, would that be a single room?” he asks as he begins typing away on his computer.
“A double room please,” I request. Meanwhile, he continues typing.
I feel a hand graze across my ass as Gabe comes to stand beside me. I look up at my man who gives me a little wink in response. God, he's so damn sexy.
“Excuse me sir, you'll have to wait, I’m already with a customer,” the guy says, sounding frustrated.
“Oh no, it's okay, we're together,” I chuckle.
“Oh,” the guy says as he looks from me to Gabe and back to me again. “So will your friend be needing a room tonight as well?” he asks, completely ignoring Gabe now and turning all his attention toward me.
Gabe’s hand goes from a soft caress of my ass to a possessive grab. “No, the one room will be fine,” he says in an authoritative tone, despite the fake politeness lacing it. Why does it suddenly feel like I'm the wild giselle trapped between two hungry lions?
“Of course, sir,” the guy replies, sounding equally as fake.