Page 55 of Gabriel's Salvation

“So what happened next?” Lexi says, as she leans closer, fully invested in Ava’s dramatic story.

“Well, we stayed friends. We wrote each other letters whenever we were apart, hung out every single moment we could. But then we both moved away so we didn't speak for years.” Izzy adds with a sad look in her eyes. I reach over and give her a reassuring squeeze.

“A few years later, fate intervened again and they reunited recently. And since then they've been inseparable. This is why I always say they are basically already married.

“Wow! That's so romantic,” Jenn beams. “Don’t suppose he’s got a brother for me?” Jenn jokes, but her words cut me like a knife. “I could do with finding myself a prince. I only seem to kiss frogs.”

“You wouldn't want his brother, he’s no prince,” Harper snaps, and I can hear the venom in her voice, even if no one else seems to notice. I cringe internally at her tone. It kills me that she seems to hate Gabe. He’s really not that bad, is he?

“He’s not that bad, Gabe’s just kind of an acquired taste,” Izzy replies. I can't believe that Izzy keeps trying to see the best in Gabe, even when all he does is treat her like shit.

“Gabe?” Lexi questions as she eyes me suspiciously.

“Yeah, that's his older brother,” Izzy confirms.

I look at Lexi silently begging her not to say anything. Thankfully, she lets it slide and the rest of our appointment goes by incident free. But as we’re about to leave Lexi calls me.

“Freckles, any chance you could help me take these spas to the backroom?” she asks, and although I want to refuse, I turn to follow her to the back. I know if I refuse, Lexi may just bring it up right here, in front of everyone.

“Sure,” I say with a fake smile.

“How about you girls run and grab me a coffee?” Lexi suggests handing them some money. “I'm dying for a cappuccino too,” someone else chimes up.

As soon as the girls leave, I feel like a spotlight is shining on me. “Spill,” Lexi demands as soon as we make it to the back room.

“There’s not much to….” I begin before I'm cut off.

“Riiiley, spill it!” Lexi says again, this time using that same big sister/babysitter voice she used on me when I was a kid.

“Fine. So, me and Gabe went on a few dates. Well, not exactly dates I guess, but we got closer,” I clarify. “At first things seemed to be going great, but then, well, it went to shit. He fucked up. I don't wanna relive it but let's just say he was a complete asshole.”

“Okay, so what happened next? Do your friends not know you were seeing each other?” Lexi asks as she rests against the shelving unit.

“Harper knows who he is, Ava and Izzy don't.”

“Why? I thought you four were besties? I always see the four of you together and they all seem to adore you,” Lexi questions.

“It's complicated.”

“What's so complicated about it?” Lexi asks as she sits herself down on a nearby box, and signals for me to do the same.

“Well, Ava is a firecracker with a big mouth, so she'd kick his ass in a heartbeat….” I begin and stop to think about how to explain this.

“Would that be the worst thing?”

“Yes, because of Izzy!”

“Izzy? What about her?” Lexi asks as she furrows her brows in confusion.

“So, you heard Izzy's story right? True love, super cute, and in real life they’re even more perfect than the story, if that is possible.”

“Okay, so what's that got to do with you and Gabe?” Lexi asks, baffled.

“Gabe is Nate's older brother. He’s also hell bent on keeping Izzy and Nate apart for some strange reason. Something to do with some issues he, Nate, and Izzy have from childhood. Anyway, Izzy is doing everything in her power to get Gabe to forgive her and become her friend, but Gabe is point blank refusing. That girl is giving one hundred percent in trying to be nice to him and be his friend, the last thing Nate and her need is me throwing in my drama. If she knew what happened between Gabe and me, that might make her angry with him and cause her to stop trying to make things better between the two of them.”

“I guess that kind of makes sense,” Lexi admits with a shrug.

“So for now I have to just keep my shit to myself.”