I select the pictures- over fifty in total - and am about to hit print when I remember the pictures from six flags. I quickly scroll through, choosing my top five. That's when I spot it, the picture of Riley and Gabe, and an idea hits me.
I print and collect my photos, then head down to the aisle that sells photo frames. I spot a beautiful one for Riley. It's silver with a small black diamond heart at the bottom. It's quite simple but very Riley.
I spot the sign, ‘$7 each or 2 for $10’ and inspiration hits. I grab a very simple, dark wood frame and decide to go and reprint the picture for Gabe. Maybe this will be a good peace offering; show him that I'm not the wicked witch he seems to think I am.
I carefully place the photo inside and am about to get a gift bag but it's almost six and I'm running late. Deciding Gabe won't care about a pretty bag, I just throw it into my backpack and rush off to meet Nate.
I arrive with minutes to spare, and as soon as I walk up the path a messy looking Nate runs over to greet me. “Sorry, are you okay to wait about ten minutes? I just wanna change my clothes. John’s had me lugging sand most of the afternoon.”
I take in his dusty appearance and have to agree. “Of course,” I giggle before leaning up on my tiptoes to kiss him quickly before he darts off inside.
While I'm waiting, I spot Davis coming off the back of a big truck. “Hey,” I wave as I make my way over. “How's the wife doing? Are you a daddy yet?”
“Sure am. Lilly was born three weeks ago,and she's absolutely perfect,” he pats his pockets for a moment. “Shit, my phone must be inside, I'll have to show you a picture next time. It’ll be worth it though I promise. She's the most adorable baby you’ll ever see.”
“That's fine, I look forward to it,” I tell him with a smile.
“Have you seen Gabe, by the way?”
“Gabe?” Davis repeats, sounding surprised, “Don't you mean Nate?”
“No silly. I've already seen Nate. He's gone to change his clothes. I've got a gift for Gabe, though.”
“Oh, I think he’s in the office,” Davis answers me as he points to a little hut looking building.
“Thanks.” I make my way towards the building, removing the picture frame from my bag but as I get closer, I hear Gabe shouting at someone so I attempt to turn around and almost bump straight into the chest of another man.
I take in his appearance and a feeling of uneasiness washes over me. He's tall and slim, too slim. His head is shaved short enough that it almost looks like he’s escaped from the army, except he doesn't have a friendly or reassuring face.
He’s also covered in tattoos. Even with his work gear on I can see them peeking over his arms and hands and up his neck, and he even has a couple of small ones on his face.
“And what do we have here?” the man says in an intimidating tone.
“Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Izzy, Nate's girlfriend,” I mumble. “I was looking for Gabe, but he seems a little busy.” I turn to leave, but the guy rests his arm against the wall, blocking my exit.
“And what do you want with Gabe?”
“Erm, I just had something to give him,” I say as I clutch the photo frame tighter. “But I'll come back another time. He seems a little busy.”
“Nah, he's always like that, but don't worry, I'll take this…” he says, snatching the frame from my hands, “and make sure he gets it.”
“It's fine, I'll give it to him another time.” I say as I attempt to reach for it but he moves it high out of my reach.
“I'm going in there anyway so I'll give it to him for you,” he says in a sweet tone, one that definitely doesn't match the look on his face.
“Please do. It's important,” I add, unsure what else to say, but wanting to get out of this very small and tight space.
“It’ll be my highest priority,” he adds with a sinister smile, before finally moving his arm and allowing me to walk past him.
I rush away and as I do I spot Nate walking towards me.
“I don't like him. He’s creepy,” I shudder before throwing my arms around his waist and burying my head into his chest for reassurance.
Nate holds me tight and looks past me to the guy who's probably glaring in our direction. “That's Marko,” Nate says, pulling away enough to throw his arm around my shoulders and lead me away.
“Does he work with you? I've never seen him before.” I ask as I instinctively pull my body tightly against Nate’s, needing the comfort and protection he always brings.
“No, not really. He hangs around John and Gabe mostly. He’s not a nice guy though baby, keep clear of him. He gives me a very bad feeling.”