As if reading my thoughts, Riley leans over to me and whispers, “I wish that was me curled up in your arms.”
I reach my arm out and pull her towards me, before placing a soft kiss to the top of her head. “Later baby, later.”
“So I was thinking…” Riley says, but her voice seems to fade into the distance as my brain hones in on the song playing on the radio. No it can't be, not this song. Please.
I continue listening as the song plays, and the memories of my mother singing this to me again and again play on repeat.
I can vaguely hear Riley's voice but it sounds a million miles away. “Gabe!” Riley calls, as she gives me a shove.
I blink back the tears and realize that the car has started to veer off toward the side of the road.. Thank god there are hardly any cars around.
I pull the car over, park it and climb out not even bothering to close the door as my feet take on a life of their own.
Chapter Forty
I'm telling Gabe about our plans for prom when I notice the car is starting to swerve.
“What are you doing?” I say turning to look at Gabe, expecting to see it's from him perving on me when I was removing my jacket or something, but although his eyes are facing forward, it's clear that his mind is elsewhere. Is that a tear on his cheek? What’s going on?
“Gabe,” I say again, leaning closer. I notice he does have a tear running down his face, but he seems completely lost in his own mind.
“Gabe!” I snap as I give him a forceful shove.
He blinks away the tears, causing them to slide down his face, as he straightens the car.
“Gabe, are you okay?” I say but he twists out of my reach.
“This song… I can't,” he says before he pulls over, literally jumps out of the car and takes off running.
I stare at him in shock, the car door still wide open as he runs away and slumps down on a rock, head in his hands.
I turn my attention towards the stereo, trying to figure out what song could have possibly caused such a strong reaction.
The radio tells me it's a song called Gabriel by Lamb, but it's a song I've never heard before. I contemplate running after him, but as I watch him, sitting with his head in his hands, I can't help but think whatever it is, he needs time alone to process it. So instead, I sit silently for a moment, listening to the lyrics.
It tells the story of a woman who wants to fly away, leave, or die perhaps. But she's saved by an angel, an angel named Gabriel, who comes down to rescue her and keep her safe from harm.
As I listen to the words more, I can't help but wonder if the angel is perhaps a child. The lyrics could easily be a mother singing to her baby. Is that what it is? Did Gabe’s mom sing this to him?
I turn back, hoping Nate may be awake to shed some light on the situation, but he's still fast asleep.
I carefully climb out of the car and make my way over to Gabe who doesn't even lift his head as he hears me coming.
I don't say a word; instead, I just sit down beside him and put my arms around him.
He leans his head against my shoulder and allows me to hold him but neither of us utters even one word.
“I'm sorry,” Gabe apologizes after some time passes, and then removes his head from my shoulder and throws his walls back up as if nothing happened.
“Sorry for what?” I question, but he doesn't answer.
“Gabe, talk to me, please. I'm here to listen.” Instead of engaging, he just reaches for my hand and pulls me back towards the car.
We climb back into our seats, and as I'm putting my seatbelt on, I look back towards Izzy and Nate again, wondering if perhaps the lack of motion in the car woke them, but I'm surprised to see they're both still fast asleep.
“Sorry I ruined things; that shit just hit me hard,” Gabe confesses softly. He says it so quietly that if it weren't for the silence surrounding us I probably never would have heard.