Dante met her stare again, and for just a second, she thought she saw actual fire in his eyes. “You don’t have to worry about that.” He shifted his gaze. “I assume you want his head?”

Cristiano’s grip tightened. “I want to strangle that fucker with his own insides.”

Mikey shook his head and Romeo let out a huff that was almost a laugh.

Dante unfolded his arms. “If I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t bother asking me for permission. Hell, I don’t think I’d ask me for forgiveness later, either.” His brow furrowed. “Garcia crossed all of us when he took those men and filmed their murder. He crossed me two more times after, but the worst direct affront resulted in nothing more than a bump on Iris’s head. I need him dead for that—but if his death comes at your hands, Cris, I can accept that. So we’ll skip the argument. You have my blessing, Cristiano. Find Tristán Garcia and end him, and make it fucking hurt.”

Cristiano inclined his head. “Happily.”

Felicity had the strongest, most horrendously inappropriate urge to climb into his lap and kiss him until she couldn’t breathe. Certainly until they had both forgotten about where they were or who they were surrounded by. She contented herself with shifting sideways and leaning into him, letting her hand come to rest on his thigh.

Cristiano released her neck and slid his arm around her shoulders.

“Mikey,” Dante said, his tone taking on a sharper tone, “make sure you put out the word. Felicity Garcia is off the list. She’s an innocent in this war. We’ll give Cris another twenty-four hours to make the rest of his important personal announcements before we make the next update.”

Mikey pulled his tablet closer. “Sure, sure.”

“Have you picked a date?” Romeo asked. A grin tipped his lips. “Might be a little tough to try for a double.”

Felicity stared at him. She was pretty sure she understood, but she had no idea how to respond to that joke.

Dante arched a brow in his brother’s direction. “Are you getting married and forgot to mention it?”

Romeo twisted around. “The fuck?”

“I promised Iris her dream wedding,” Dante said flatly. “That means I wouldn’t let you morons double up with us if you begged.”

Felicity felt her lips twitch as a flicker of amusement flared inside her.

Cristiano grunted. “We haven’t picked a date yet, dumbass. But obviously Dante and Iris will be first to the altar.”

Felicity tipped her head to smile up at him. “You did say ‘before winter’.”

Cristiano grinned down at her. “I did say that.”

Romeo balked. “That’s next—”

Dante chuckled. “Looks like it’ll be a busy October.”

Romeo sighed and sat back. “We’ll still have the rest of the Ink Blots to contend with, too. This won’t be over by then.”

“One player at a time, brother,” Dante said. “We have names and eyes on the field. Their circle is shrinking.”

Felicity felt Cristiano draw a deep, slow breath.

“There is something else,” Cristiano said. “Those men I had Ryoma take from Felicity’s building had more information than I expected.” He paused for a beat, and Felicity rubbed her hand up and down his thigh gently. “I learned who the benefactor is.”

Mikey lowered his tablet and Romeo spun sideways in his seat.

Dante leaned forward. “Excellent. I’m tired of fighting some kind of fucking hydra. Who is it?”

Cristiano spoke the next name that changed the tone in the room through clenched teeth. “Brendan Coughlan.”

Once his cousins had been made aware, Cristiano felt comfortable adding Felicity to the electronic security system that gave her access to the private elevator from outside. It would also give her access to the building from any pedestrian entrance. He made that a priority the following morning, before taking her out for breakfast.

In public.

She soaked it up. Her eyes sparkled and she beamed up at him when he put his arm around her as they walked from the car. He knew she’d been cooped up, having to spend so much time locked in a veritable tower with minimal access to the outside world, so he imagined the freedom to do even this simple thing was exhilarating. He felt guilty for having to put her through that, and grateful for the trust and patience she’d given him.