Felicity let herself lean back against him, still flushed and breathless. Part of her wondered what it said about her that she loved just resting with his thick cock buried inside her. That was not a question she planned to ask Dr. Laura, though. At a more appropriate time, she would share the thought with Cristiano. For now, she asked, “Does that mean you have to go?”
He turned his head enough to press his lips into her hair. “I’m not leaving until it’s time to pick up your ring. He said he’d have it ready by the end of the work day.”
“Today? Really?”
Cristiano chuckled, the vibration going straight through her. “He knows good business when he gets it.” His fingers massaged across her belly, brushing beneath her boobs. “I do have to make a call. I’m going to ask them over tonight. There’s a large conference room we use sometimes about ten floors down. I want to tell them everything—but not if you’re not ready for that.”
She couldn’t deny the flutter of nerves that danced through her for a moment. Felicity licked her lips and reached down, laying her hand over the back of his. “If you think this is the right time, I trust you.”
He reached over, caught her by the chin, and tilted her head back until he could slide his tongue into her mouth. The kiss was wet and messy and delightful, and it left her breathing too hard when he retreated. Without saying another word, he picked up his phone and swiped his thumb across the screen.
From her angle, Felicity was able to glimpse the screen before he lifted it to his ear. He really did use that photo for a wallpaper. She’d almost forgotten, and the realization made it hard not to squirm.
Cristiano moved his anchoring arm until his hand was curved around her hip, holding her still. “I need to meet with the three of you. Tonight.”
She pulled in a quiet breath and resettled against him, not wanting to distract from his call.
“No, I’d rather not talk at the house. I was thinking about using the room here at the tower.” Cristiano was quiet again while the voice, distinctly male but too low for Felicity to hear with any clarity, responded. Then Cristiano continued. “That’s entirely up to you, cousin. It won’t be an easy conversation, but I imagine you’ll share at least most of the content when you get home, anyway.”
She felt Cristiano tense up and started massaging his arm gently.
His body relaxed. “Yes, it’s about that. I got information from them. In person would be better.” Another pause. “That’s fine. I’ll see you then, thank you.”
She waited until he set the phone down. “So, tonight?”
His arm tightened again. “Tonight.” He kissed her temple. “I’ll make them see.”
Trust was a very complicated thing. He knew what he’d promised, but Cristiano couldn’t remember a time he’d been more nervous. If he was wrong about his ability to persuade Dante, this day could end up in absolute disaster. He wanted to trust his cousin, who’d been more like a brother to him for most of his life, but the idea of exposing Felicity to such danger went against Cristiano’s every instinct.
His eyes tracked the digitally displayed numbers overhead as the elevator descended. It was the first time he’d taken Felicity out in this elevator—in part because the elevator was accessible to everyone in the building, and in part just because he so rarely used it. The added element of vulnerability had his shoulders tense, his body ready to move with the first sign of danger.
Felicity tucked both her hands into his. The still-cool metal of the ring that now resided on her finger drew his focus and he looked down as her quiet words reached his ears. “Does the De Salvo family own this whole building?”
He gave her smaller hands a squeeze, thumb stroking over her knuckles. “I own it. It was part of my inheritance.”
The elevator came to a stop as the readout settled on twenty-five. Cristiano drew a breath, squeezed Felicity’s hands tighter, then let go and moved his hand to the small of her back.
She tipped her head back as they started forward, a smile teasing her lips. “Now I have more questions,” she said, keeping her voice quiet.
He could feel the tension in her. He knew she wasn’t as calm as she was trying to present, but he appreciated her effort all the same. “Later,” he murmured as they neared the corner in the hall. He kept pressure at her back, guiding her to one of the main spaces on the floor. They were several minutes ahead of schedule, but there was still no guarantee they would be the first to arrive. That was why they had to approach this calmly and purposefully.
Cristiano was proud of Felicity for not letting the nerves she had to be feeling completely overtake her. She wasn’t shaking, or clenching the sides of her nice dress in her fists. Still, he doubted he was the only one who breathed a sigh of relief when he pushed into the conference room and found it empty. Empty of other life, at least.
The deceptively large, round table remained just off of center as it should, all ten of its chairs neatly tucked into place. There was more seating than they’d ever needed at this table, but that was by design. Just as the equality implicit in a circular table tricked the mind of any less-illuminated individual who might happen this far up. It was all intended to seem innocent, modestly professional while maintaining a functional casual balance. They did, in fact, sometimes play poker here. But most of the time, this room served a much less casual purpose, and the men who sat at that table absolutely knew their hierarchy.
Cristiano continued through, moving Felicity quickly to the small side room. The vertical blinds were already shut, as always, and he would leave the door open as it should be. But there was a chair inside, so he indicated for her to take it. They’d already discussed this plan. The room was set up with drink supplies, for the times when users of the adjoining room wanted a quick cup of water or one of several instant beverages. There was a mini-fridge, always stocked, which tended to see more use. If this meeting were happening during working hours, this plan would carry a much higher risk. But an after-hours, heavy conversation with just them would not likely incur any drinking. Not before he got to the part where he called for her, at least. That was what mattered.
Felicity released a quiet breath and smoothed her hands down her skirt. Her nerves were a bit more visible now, but that was understandable.
Cristiano crouched in front of her and curled a finger beneath her chin. “Remember to keep still and quiet until I call your name, baby. I’ll try not to drag it out too long.”
She nodded. “I can do that.” She smiled faintly. “We can do this.”
Fucking hell, he loved this woman. He pressed a hard kiss to her forehead, stood, and practically stomped from the room. He hated this plan. Rather, he hated the need for it. He hated that he couldn’t just show up at his surrogate brother’s house or the house where he’d basically been raised with the woman he loved on his arm and declare that he, too, was engaged. He hated that he was going to have to argue for her future, for their future.
He hated the situation her birth family had put her in.
And he tried not to let all of that anger show on his face as he leaned his hip on the table and settled in to wait.