Our eyes meet, and a raw look crosses his features before he lifts his fingers and tastes me, softly, so softly.

“Oh god, that’s too hot.” I run my fingers over his jaw.

He strokes his hand down my bare thigh. “I really enjoy kissing you. All over,” he adds meaningfully.

He looks at my naked body for a whole minute then his hand cups my jaw. His eyes are a mixture of hunger, amusement, and tenderness. He leans over and kisses me, slipping his tongue into my mouth slowly this time, as if I’m irresistible. Meant to be savored.

He eases his hand between my legs to open me wider and parts me so he can taste my pussy.

“Ohhhhh,” I hear myself breathe as he licks his tongue slowly along the entrance of me.

His hand clenches my thigh and squeezes, he groans as if he could get off on my taste alone.

I gasp when he dips his tongue inside, deep, deeper . . . deepest. I groan and drag my bare feet up the back of his thighs.

I inhale sharply when he reaches up to massage my breasts, his eyes closed as he tastes me. I watch his face move between my legs and the sight is so hot I’m about to go off.

He starts kissing my sex lips again as he eases his thumb over my clit and starts rubbing in delicious circles. I don’t know how to feel, how to react, my world is spinning a thousand miles a minute, there is nothing beneath me, nothing but my arms around his neck, clenching, and his hot mouth, and his expert hands.

I can hear my breathing in the dark, crazy fast, when he withdraws and strips down to his bare sexy bones. And muscles. Lots of muscles and perfection here.

“Who do you want here, Olivia?” he says as he spreads above me, his voice rough in the dark as he straightens.

He takes my hips and parts my legs wider open with a nudge of his knee. He leans over to tease his tongue over the tips of my breasts. I arch in agony and pleasure.

“You, Callan.” I’m trembling, gripping him to me.

He grabs his erection and teases the tip inside me. “Say it now.” He sounds so possessive, so determined to take it all.

A guttural sound leaves my throat as I lift my hips, desperate for him. “Callan.”

He pushes my hips down to pin me in place, then drives forward in one smooth, hard thrust.

“Callan,” I groan.

He groans too, laughs and sets his forehead on mine.

“Oh god, Callan,” I cry when he teases my clit with his thumb.

He’s intent and sober as he thrusts again and thrusts his tongue into my mouth, his body moving sinuously, lithe as a wildcat and muscular as a mustang.

“So right. So goddamned right.” He’s growling and thrusting now.

“Don’t stop,” I groan, breasts bouncing from the impact, head rolling to the side.

He catches my hands and places them above my head. He uses his thighs to spread mine farther open as he withdraws. I look at him, and he looks at me.

He drives back in. My eyes flutter shut before he shushes my name and makes me open them. Oh god. I’ve never loved a man’s cock the way I love his. It’s hard and thick and long and strong. It’s what joins me to him. It’s what enables him to take me the way I want to be taken. It’s what fills me, right now, with ALL OF HIM.

And I can’t get enough.

The muscles of his arms bulge as he laces his fingers through mine. Captive and unable to use my hands, tremors are already racing down my body.

I grip him with my sex, and my mouth, all I can use.

I drag my lips over his jaw, nipping the hard angle.

He looks so hot, I get even wetter, and it feels so good I’m already at the brink.

For a man who has everything, you’d never expect him to be this hungry for one girl. Much less for me.

But Callan is devouring me with his eyes, his hands, and his big, thick cock.

He sucks one nipple, then the other.

He tells me how beautiful I look, how perfect I feel. My body starts tightening in preparation for orgasm, and Callan pulls out, waits one thrilling, anticipatory heartbeat, then holds my arms over my head and plunges back in, deeper and harder.

I convulse as an orgasm rips through me.

“God, you’re a wet dream.” Callan’s gruff, admiring voice filters through as I thrash beneath him.

I want him here with me, and suddenly, with unnatural force, I push him to his back and impale myself down on him. He grips my hips and gnashes his teeth as I ride him. He pumps his hips faster, really fast now. His body jerks and a sound rumbles up his chest.

I hear his delicious groan and I come a little more, feeling his muscles flex and contract. He comes really hard, his cock jerking several times inside me. He rolls us over to the side and continues coming, drawing out the sensation, groaning when he’s done.

“Oh god,” I moan, clutching him, then laughing happily. “Oh god, that felt so amazing.”

He laughs softly in my hair before rolling to his back.

“It’s so intense with you. Is it always like this?”

He lifts his brows, his eyes gleaming. “You tell me.”

I stare at him, into his gorgeous copper eyes. He lifts his head and licks and suckles my nipples and my smile fades as desire starts up again. I clutch his head as it moves over my breast, the heat of his mouth arrowing to the tenderly aching spot between my legs. “You’re very sexy when you do things to me,” I admit.

Maybe it was the date or the constant days of sexual frustration that make it intense, I wonder. Or maybe it’s just intense. With him. I want to go again.

Well hello, nymphomaniac Livvy!

Hopefully sex maniac Callan won’t mind.

He pries free and heads to the giant marble bathroom to clean up, and I curl up on my side and watch the door. He exits the bathroom—all sweaty and naked—and our eyes meet.