Page 1 of Roxanne



Age 15

I take a deep breath, fix my hair into a bun, and even though it’s silly, I double-check the hoodie I’m wearing. It’s sturdy. I’m wearing jeans that are two sizes too large, and they’re held up by a thick black belt. All three items I stole from the lost and found at school.

How someone lost their jeans, I’ll never know, but I’m grateful. Uncle Eli calls for me again, and I take a deep breath, shoving the tears down. He enjoys my pain. My tears. I won’t show him how scared I am until he’s forcing the tears to fall.

I miss my brother and Papa. They would never allow Uncle Eli to treat me the way he does. They would never allow him to look at me the way he does. Couldn’t they see the kind of man he is?

It started slow. I moved in here two weeks after Mama died. I was eleven. It’s been four years…

Sometimes I see Storm at school, but Uncle Eli hasn’t allowed my brother’s best friend to visit me much the last few months. He sometimes leaves, following Papa and William all over the world. My brother William doesn’t visit much anymore though, and I only see Papa once a year on my birthday. He’ll be here in six days, and I plan on begging him to get me the fuck out of here.

I think Uncle Eli must know my plan, because he’s become more obsessive, and never lets me text or call Papa or William unless he’s over my shoulder. Watching me with his creepy blue eyes that remind me of a gutter filled with water. Murky. Dangerous. Disgusting.

I take my place beside him at the dinner table. I saw Storm today after school, but I couldn’t do much more than give him a death grip hug before Eli pulled up outside the school to pick me up.

“Was that Storm Moreno I saw you hugging?” Eli had hissed at me, and I just nodded, knowing I’d be punished for hugging him, but I needed the contact. Needed to feel that familiar care that only seems to come from Papa, William, or Storm.

“After dinner, I want you to kneel at the end of your bed,” he hisses menacingly, and I allow my eyes to fall shut for just a moment, a tear slipping down my cheek. I hate this punishment, more than the others. It makes me fucking sick. “You’ll take your pants off.”

He didn’t need to add that part, I knew what he wanted when he told me I’d kneel. I nod my head once, resigned to my fate. There’s no point in begging, he doesn’t listen. There’s no other punishment he’ll accept in place of this one. It’s just an excuse. My offenses, no matter how big or small, all lead to this punishment in the end. He just wants to…

Six days. Six more days, and then I’ll beg Papa to save me from this hell.

We eat. I clear the table, wash the dishes, and slowly make my way to the bedroom. I pull my jeans down, tears falling from my eyes like rain, as a soul-crushing helplessness fills me. I’m wearing a pair of boxer briefs that one of the boys in my math class snuck me. A boy I am going to kiss the next time I see him, for saving me an ounce of humiliation. I don’t care if it enrages Eli further. I know why he makes me take the jeans off, that sick fucker.

I hate him. I despise him. I want to watch him die.

As the tears fall harder, I can’t help but feel resentment toward William. For leaving me behind. And toward Papa, for pawning me off on Uncle Eli. I know he thought he was doing this for my benefit. I know it, but it doesn’t change anything. Eli is abusing me…

Eli walks into the room, sighing. I can somehow hear the irritation in that one sound, and I close my eyes. Eli is only thirty-four. He’s conventionally attractive, I guess, but he’s got a sick, evilness inside his soul. With his murky blue eyes, blond hair, and pale skin. I hate him.

“Ten for hugging Storm, six for those fucking boxers.” Sixteen? Jesus…I won’t be able to walk tomorrow.

His belt makes a noise as it flies through the air, and I screech in pain. I gasp, and sob. I can’t help it. There’s a click behind me, like the sound of a door closing. I brace for the next hit of the belt, but nothing comes. There’s a gurgling, and warm liquid covers my back…

“You’re safe now, Little Sinner.” Little Sinner…only one person calls me Little Sinner. He gave me that nickname the day we met.

“You’re a sinner! I can't talk to you!” he hissed. Tilting my head, I stared at the little boy…

“But I’m little.”

“A little sinner then!”

The words are a balm to the pain inside me, and the dam breaks, as sobs overtake me. He came for me.

I’m safe now…

Chapter 1


Age 21

I’m smiling like a fool at my phone as I read the messages over and over. I feel like a crazy person as my cheeks ache and my jaw tenses. I tuck a strand of my long brown hair behind my ear and can’t help but do a little excited dance, letting out a squeal. I haven’t gotten this close to a guy before, and the flirting awakens something hungry inside of me.