Dawn wagged her finger. “Yes, you do, I can tell by the way your nose it twitching. You like her.”
He rubbed his nose. “Shouldn’t I like her? We’ve got to figure out how to raise a kid together.”
“I’m not talking about liking her in general as a person. I’m talking about like liking her. You want to get with her. Does she want to get with you?”
Quinton knew she was attracted to him, but he didn’t think she wanted to be with him. “I don’t know. I think she does.”
“Why do you think so?”
He wasn’t about to tell her about the kiss. His sister would broadcast that to his parents before the night was over. “We vibe. That’s all. But she just broke up with the guy she liked. And Shania doesn’t want us together. She thinks it’ll be weird.”
“That’s because it’s new. She’s getting used to you being a family.” They were silent for a few seconds before Dawn said, “I like her. She did well with Mom and Dad today, and they can be a lot.”
Quinton thought about how Halle let his mom’s comments about not needing to cook anymore and his dad’s insistence that tacos are for Tuesday roll off her. Although his parents were much, he’d also noticed the way she’d smiled as they’d gushed over every accomplishment Shania had. They may have been their usually overbearing selves, but they’d been sincere in their delight with Shania, and Halle had noticed that.
“A part of me wants to pursue this thing with Halle,” he admitted. “I worry that I’m going to mess things up with Shania. She’s the most important thing right now.”
Dawn poked his elbow. “I hear a but?”
“But I was interested in Halle before this. I overheard her say something about not dating athletes and then she was with that English teacher, so I never approached her. Now I’ve got a chance, but it’ll piss off my kid. What am I supposed to do?”
“Damn if I know.” Dawn sighed and sipped her tea.
Quinton chuckled. “Thanks a lot.”
“I know, I’m no help. Again, your situation is awkward as fuck. I don’t know how you navigate.”
“I hear a but?” he countered.
“But you know me and you know I love love. I’m rooting for you and Halle to get together. Mom is worried that’s why she said not to do anything. She doesn’t want you to get hurt like you did with Catherine.”
Quinton scowled at the mention of his ex-girlfriend. “We broke up two years ago. I’m over her.”
He and Catherine had tried long distance and it hadn’t worked out. He’d been hurt about the breakup but not heartbroken.
“Still, Mom wants you to settle down.”
He stared down at the tea in his cup and admitted softly, “I can see myself with Halle.”
Dawn turned to study him. “Is that because you really want to see yourself with her, or because she’s a ready-made family?”
“Huh!” his sister repeated with a grin. “Whenever you answer a question with that it’s because you don’t know the answer or you’re afraid to answer. You heard what I said. Figure that shit out first. Either you really want to be with Halle or you’re seeing a family because the kid you always wondered about appeared with a woman you’re attracted to. They’re right here, in the town you moved to. I say it’s fate, but I’m a realist enough to know that you don’t believe in fate. You believe in hard work and effort. So, put in the work and figure out if this is really fate that brought you together.”
Halle was going through the items she’d need for the next week at school when the doorbell rang. That would be Quinton to visit Shania. She glanced at the clock then cringed. Shania wasn’t back yet. She quickly got up from the kitchen table and went to the door. Quinton stood on the other side, looking delicious in a black T-shirt, dark pants and those aviator glasses he loved.
“Hey, Halle,” he said. “Shania ready?”
Halle focused on his face and not how good his legs looked in the athletic pants. “She spent the night at my cousin’s last night. Give me a second to check and see when they’ll be back. Come on in.” She stepped back, and he crossed the threshold.
Halle went back to the kitchen and grabbed her cell phone before meeting him back in the living room. A quick call and she learned Shania was eating at the local breakfast place with her cousin. She turned back to Quinton after ending the call.
“They’re waiting on the check and will be here soon. Do you want to wait?”
“Do you mind if I do?”