Imani sighed. “Yeah, it’s good. Work was hectic. Did you get a chance to talk to Tracey?”

Halle cringed. She was a horrible friend. “No, I was only able to text. She said she was okay, but I still want to check on her later today. What time are you done?”

“I’ll be finished here around seven. I can shower and meet you over there.”

“That’s fine. I’m picking Shania up from Quinton’s now. Call me when you’re leaving your place.”

“Oh, you’re letting Quinton take her home.” Humor entered Imani’s voice. “Look at you letting go of some of the reins.”

“I’m not that bad,” Halle said.

Imani laughed. “You’re not that good at sharing responsibility either.”

Halle rolled her eyes. “You may be right about that. But I’m learning. It’s not bad to have a little help with Shania. I think we’re figuring this out. Especially after today.”

“What happened today?”

Halle pulled up into Quinton’s driveway. Well, at least she had proof Kayla hadn’t put the word out to all their cousins. “I’ll tell you when I see you later. I just got to Quinton’s place.”

“I can’t wait to hear this. Okay, talk with you soon.”

“Talk with you soon.”

She hung up and got out of the car. She could only imagine Imani’s expression when she told her about Shania catching her with Quinton. She’d rather save that conversation for an in-person discussion.

She rang the bell and Shania came to the door. She had a smile on her face that slowly melted away to a look of unease when she met Halle’s eyes. Halle took a breath and clasped her hands in front of her.

“Are you still not talking to me?”

Shania lowered her head then looked up at Halle from beneath her lashes. “I’m sorry I ran out like that.”

Halle raised a brow. Surprised by the contrite nature of her daughter’s voice. She expected her to be upset. “You are?”

Shania nodded. “I thought you were only with Coach Q because of me.”

Halle stepped forward and lifted her daughter’s chin. “Why would you think that?”

“You were with Gregory, and I know you liked him, but I was worried you were trying to make him a part of the family because I kept asking about my dad. I don’t want you to be into Coach Q just for me.”

Shania’s unease and worry made sense. Halle had liked Gregory and thought he was the right guy for her. The strong feelings Quinton sparked in her had even taken her by surprise. The realization that Shania would be upset and confused about all the changes in her life softened her tone. “Did I want things to work out with Gregory, yes. I did like him and I was interested, but my life changed. Dramatically, and it became clear that we weren’t going to work out. But, I promise you, that I am not seeing Quinton just because he’s your dad.”

“But you kind of are. If I hadn’t found out, you would have stayed with Gregory. You two wouldn’t have gotten together.”

“Maybe we wouldn’t have gotten together. Maybe things with me and Gregory wouldn’t have worked out and I would have given Quinton a chance later. Maybe both of us would have gone our separate ways and never dated. We don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t discovered he was your father. That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try to get to know him because we were put together under these circumstances.”

Halle opened her arms. Shania stepped closer and accepted the hug. “This is all new and confusing and going to take some time to work out. But I promise you we’re going to be okay. No matter what happens.”

“Coach Q is a nice guy,” Shania said when they broke apart. “He’s also turning out to be an okay father. I guess it won’t be so bad if you two got together. But can we wait to tell everyone you’re officially a couple?”

“Why do you want to wait?”

“The kids at school aren’t saying much because they don’t want Coach Q to get on them, but they still talk.”

Halle frowned. “Are they saying things to you?”

She shrugged. “Not everyone, but Octavius’s girlfriend is trying to keep it going. She’s just jealous because she thinks that he likes me.”

“Does he?”