She smiled and pressed her ear against his chest. The sound of his heartbeat steady and calming. “That you’ve got me.”

“Even if it’s just to give you a hug.”

She pulled back and looked up into his handsome face. “Come on in. You got here quick.”

“I was downtown,” he said. “At A Couple of Beers.”

“Sit on the couch. Let me get my tea. You want anything?”

“Just you.”

She grinned from ear to ear and hurried to get her tea. A few minutes later she was settled on the couch next to him. “Was everyone in the bar talking about what happened?”

He shook his head. “Not everyone. Most people can’t believe Bernard was so dumb. Everyone except Brian.”

She frowned. “Why wasn’t he surprised?”

“Before the lunch Brian wasn’t happy to see Bernard there. He said he never liked him and that he treated Tracey wrong.”

“Did he know Bernard was cheating?” she asked incredulously. How could he know and not say anything?

Quinton let out a breath and rubbed her knee as if trying to calm her down. “I think he may have. He didn’t really say anything specific, but I think he knew Bernard was doing Tracey wrong.”

“Why didn’t he say anything?”

“He said he tried to warn her once, but she told him to mind his business.”

Halle sighed and sipped her tea. “I’m not surprised. Tracey and Brian would often argue in high school. She hated when people got into her business or talked about her family. If he had said something, then she would have pushed him away.”

He squeezed her knee. “Are you okay?”

“I’m good. Worried about Tracey.”

His gaze became serious. “Will we be okay?”

She raised a brow. “Are you sleeping with someone else?”

Quinton scowled and shook his head. “Hell no, but I just have to ask. All this made me realize I don’t know much about the guys you dated before other than Gregory. You ever been cheated on?”

She frowned and considered. “Not that I know of. Remember, I got pregnant through artificial insemination. I haven’t spent a lot of time in long-term relationships.”

“Why not? I can’t believe it was due to lack of opportunity.”

She grinned and sipped her tea before answering. “At first, it was grief after my parents. Then I became a parent. I didn’t want to bring anyone into Shania’s life if they weren’t going to be here long-term. Then I got used to just doing things on my own. I didn’t worry about a relationship, and I preached to Shania that it was important to be able to handle things on your own. All I wanted was to make sure Shania had a stable life.” She raised her brow. “What about you? Ever been cheated on?”

He nodded. “Once.”

Her eyes widened. “Who?”

“This girl in college,” he said easily. As if the hurt of that long-ago betrayal had long since faded. “It was around the time I donated. She found out my parents were about to be kicked out and that my draft chances were slim. I caught her giving head to one of my teammates with better draft chances.”

She sat up and put the mug on the coffee table with a heavy thud. “No.”

He nodded slowly. “Yes. That guy was drafted in the second round. They got married. Had two kids before he caught her with another teammate.”

“Damn, I’m sorry.” Sorry for Quinton, but not for the teammate.

“I’m not. I liked her, but after that, I was done. I donated, saved my parents’ place and was drafted at the end of the last round. Mr. Irrelevant. That’s what they call the person who gets my pick. But despite all of that, my life turned out okay, and I honestly don’t miss her.”