They made their way from the edge of the crowd and joined the others settling in around the tables. The mayor and her sister, Mattie, sat next to Dr. Watts and Cheryl Green from the booster club. He was going to avoid that table. No need to hang out with co-workers outside of work. Bookshop owners Patricia and Van sat with Jackson Bowman, who’d opened an art gallery on Main Street, and Carolyn Jones, who owned Sweet Treats bakery. He waved at Joanne Wilson and her boyfriend Khalil, Tracey’s younger brother. All in all, most of the business owners in the town were there, including Robin Baker, the owner/editor of the Peachtree Cove Gazette. He was sure she’d find a way to find some scandal in what had been an otherwise good week with the editors in town.
Quinton met Khris’s gaze and didn’t feel the rolling sickness in his stomach anymore. He’d said what he needed to say. Doing that had allowed him finally to close the door on that connection. Khris was an asshole who’d tried to ruin his life, but he hadn’t succeeded. Quinton’s life was doing just fine. He wouldn’t give Khris another thought once this day ended.
The luncheon started and Quinton slid into a chair next to Halle before someone else could snag it. He didn’t care if others noticed his eagerness to be next to her. He wasn’t ashamed, and if anyone asked then he’d say it was so they could talk about Shania.
The mayor stood and waved her hands for everyone to quiet down. “Before we get started,” Miriam said, “I just want to thank everyone for joining us today for this farewell luncheon with our guests from Travel Magazine. We appreciate you considering Peachtree Cove as one of the best small towns. No matter what your choice is, I hope you walk away feeling our sincere hospitality and gratitude to have any recognition of our town. Turning Peachtree Cove around wasn’t just an effort on my part, but of many of the people you see sitting around this table. Our citizens are what makes us great, and as your mayor, please know that I appreciate everything that you all do for Peachtree Cove.”
A round of applause came from the crowd. The pastor of Mount Grove A.M.E. church stood to give the blessing. Once everyone started eating and conversation flowed, Quinton leaned into Halle.
“Can I see you tonight?”
Halle glanced at him from the corner of her eye. “See me to what?”
He suppressed a grin before saying in a low voice that wouldn’t carry, “I’d like to see you doing what you did the other night on the phone.”
She glanced around before straightening her shoulders. “Oh really?” She used her principal’s voice, but he noticed the twist of her full lips.
“Wouldn’t you like to get an up-close and personal view of my talents as well?”
She turned and met his eye. “I think I’d like that.”
His stomach clenched as desire rushed to his groin. This woman did wild things to him. “So, can I see you tonight?”
“Luckily, Shania is at her cousin’s house. They plan to have a sleepover and then go to school tomorrow.”
“A sleepover on a Sunday?”
She nodded and sighed. “She’s still upset about the sneakers. I’d rather her hang out at Kayla’s where I know what she’s up to than watch her sulk around the house.”
“We can give her back the sneakers,” Quinton said.
“Not while she’s in the middle of a pity party. She understands why I took them. She just wants to be upset. She can get the shoes at Christmas like I planned.”
Quinton leaned back. “You still want to wait until Christmas?”
She nodded. “I do.”
“I’m sorry my parents got them before you could.”
She shook her head and looked away. “We talked about it. It’s no big deal.”
He had a feeling it was a big deal. He understood even more so why she was so upset about the gift. “You’re still calling the shots on this. We’re not trying to take over.”
“I know that.” She gave him a reassuring smile. “It’s just going to take a while for the independent side of me to accept that I have help with Shania.”
“You’re accepting our help?”
She lifted her glass of tea. “Maybe just a little.”
The small admission made his chest swell. He’d hoped she wouldn’t pull back after admitting they were becoming a family and she hadn’t. He hadn’t been this happy in a long damn time.
Someone across the table called his name and asked about his thoughts on the upcoming game with Peach Ridge High. Quinton suppressed his frustration with once again being asked about the non-division school. He’d much rather focus on the fact that they were four and one in their division versus the petty rivalry. But Quinton pasted on a smile and joined the conversation.
The luncheon ended after another round of speeches and thanks from the various members of the Business Guild. Khris stood and thanked the town for the hospitality the town had shown to him and his colleagues. Quinton slid his shades on to hide his eye roll. There was nothing slightly appreciative or humble about Khris.
He leaned to Halle after the back patting and congratulations were done. “Your place at six or seven?”
Her eyes met his and the eagerness there made him want to pull her in and kiss her regardless of who watched. “Six and don’t be late.”