“She wants to. She didn’t get the chance to spoil you and your sister growing up. I think now she wants to make up for it. She wanted to get her those shoes she likes.”

Quinton shook his head. “She really doesn’t need to buy Shania gifts.”

“Why not? She’s our grandbaby.” Willie spoke as if that was all the excuse they needed.

“Dad, this isn’t a normal situation. Halle and I just found out about me being her biological dad. We’re still trying to figure out how to make this situation work. You all need to give us some time before you just take over.”

His dad waved off his words. “Just because you didn’t put the baby up in her yourself doesn’t mean that she’s not our granddaughter. Doesn’t mean we can’t treat her like a granddaughter. If you ask me, you’re being too lenient with Halle. Letting her call all the shots. She’s your kid, too.”

“I know, but Halle’s done this alone for nearly fourteen years. It’s going to take some time to get used to having me involved in her life.”

“Yeah, and Shania still sought you out because she wanted a dad.” He pointed a finger at Quinton. “Not some guy to hang around and follow her mom’s orders. She’s your kid. Start acting like it.”

“I’m trying to respect Halle.”

“By letting her tell you what to do? You’re a good guy and you wanted kids one day. Now you’ve got one. Be that girl’s dad and not just her coach. Let us be her grandparents. Halle will be okay.”

His dad stood, now finished with his slice of cake. “Now I’m going to bed. You get some sleep and think about what I said.”


Halle hurried into the kitchen. She hopped on one foot as she got her shoe on and reached for the coffeemaker with the other hand. She skidded to a halt just as she reached the counter, narrowly avoiding banging her bent knee. She grabbed a mug from the rack next to the machine and poured coffee into it.

She hated when she ran late. She was usually good at getting up early and being at the school before the first students and teachers arrived, but she’d overslept today. Hitting her snooze button multiple times. That was what happened when she stayed up later than usual, video chatting with Quinton. They hadn’t had the chance to be alone since that day in his place, but he’d found a way to make up for not being able to see each other.

They’d started off talking about mundane things. He’d seemed like he’d just wanted to get lost in conversation, and she’d been more than willing to help get his mind off whatever had bothered him. They’d talked about their day at school and their plans for the next. The progress the town was making and what they wanted to do that weekend with Shania. When they’d exhausted all safe topics, they’d finally had to admit that they both were eager for a repeat of their stolen moment. An admission that nudged the conversation into dirty talk. They’d talked in detail about the specific activities they wanted to repeat, which escalated into self-pleasuring demonstrations while the other watched.

Halle’s face heated and her nipples hardened with the memory. She couldn’t believe she’d done that. Not that she would take it back for a second. The memory of Quinton’s big hands squeezing and gliding up and down his length and then hearing his ragged breaths as he released, drove her over the edge. Knowing he watched her, that he was fixated on seeing what brought her pleasure and then his low whispered encouragement followed with a promise of “I’m going to touch you just like that the next time we’re together,” had almost made her climax again.

That memory would bring a smile to her face for the rest of the day. She’d woken up with smile on her face. A smile that faded the second she’d realized she hadn’t set her alarm the night before and that she was going to be late.

The sound of Shania’s alarm clock chimed through the quiet of the house. Halle pulled out a packet of hot chocolate and prepared a mug for Shania. A few minutes later her daughter came shuffling into the kitchen wearing her dark green bathrobe and a purple satin scarf over her hair.

Halle held out the hot chocolate. “I’ve got you.”

“Thank you,” Shania mumbled. “You’re just getting coffee?”

“I woke up late. I’m going to be late for work.”

Shania’s eyes lit up. “Does that mean you can take me to school?”

Halle cut her eyes at Shania while she sipped her coffee. “Taking you to school will make me later.”

Shania appeared unfazed. “You’re the principal and the boss. And since you’re already late, you might as well take me.”

“If you’re ready in the next ten minutes I’ll drop you off at school. Prepare to be early.”

Shania’s eyes widened. “Twenty minutes.”

“Fifteen,” Halle countered.

Shania gave her a thumbs-up. “I’ll be ready.”

Twenty minutes later Halle tapped her foot by the front door. She checked her watch and called, “Shania, come on, girl, before I let you go ahead and take the bus.”

“Here I come!” Shania ran from the back of the house, book bag in tow. She stopped in front of Halle and spread her arms. “Check out the fit. Maximum drip, right?”

Halle laughed then took in her daughter’s outfit. When her eyes landed on the shoes on her feet her smile faded. “Where did you get those shoes?”