Quinton shook his head. “They usually show up, stay a few days and then leave. I don’t ever ask how long because I’m always happy to see them.” Because they were enamored with Shania, he didn’t expect them to leave anytime soon.

“You not happy this time?”

“I am, but I damn sure miss having the house to myself. I’m used to living alone. I miss my privacy.”

Cyril chuckled and leaned a hip on the bar. “After living with my dad when we moved to Peachtree Cove, I can understand. I’m just glad he stayed out of my business.”

The door of the bar opened and Brian entered. He spotted the two of them and came over. “What’s up, fellas?”

“Nothing much,” Cyril answered, slapping Brian’s hand over the counter. “Just talking about privacy.”

Brian raised his brows. “Who needs privacy?” He looked at Quinton and realization dawned. “Your parents still here?”

Quinton responded, “Yep.” He sipped his beer.

Brian sat at the stool next to Quinton. “You live like a monk. What you need privacy for?”

“I just need to hear my thoughts,” Quinton said. He wasn’t ready to admit that he’d slept with Halle. That quick stolen moment in his bed that Saturday made him want his privacy even more. The way he could have turned that into an afternoon of lovemaking if his parents weren’t there. Instead, they’d had to dress quickly and then pretend as if nothing happened when everyone returned not long after they’d ended.

Brian frowned. “What thoughts you need to hear? Spill ’em. That’s what we’re here for.”

Cyril nodded. “Everything good with you, Halle and Shania?” He poured Brian’s usual into a glass.

Quinton lifted one shoulder. “We’re figuring this thing out. Shania is great.”

Brian accepted the beer from Cyril. “How are things on the team now that everyone knows?” he asked.

“They’ve mellowed out. I don’t do favorites and even with her as my daughter I’ve kept it that way. Some coaches are still watching me and waiting, but we both know that.”

Brian gave him a questioning stare. “Halle letting you have any say so in Shania’s life?”

“She’s getting there. I’m worried my parents are going to give her a heart attack. They want to spend so much time with Shania to make up for the lost years. That’s going to be hard for Halle.”

“I can see that,” Cyril said. “Halle likes to be in control and that’s Imani’s words not just mine. But from what Imani has said, I think she’s learning to handle it.”

“As long as I keep my parents in check then that will be good.”

“What about you and Halle?” Brian asked slyly. “You two getting along?”

The memory of sliding deep inside Halle. The way her heat squeezed around him. Watching her eyes roll to the back of her head as she’d said his name on a sigh before climaxing, filled his brain. “Yeah, we’re getting along.”

Brian cocked his head to the side. “Hold up. You smiling a little hard there.”

“Yes, he is,” Cyril said, grinning.

Quinton quickly wiped the smile off his face. He was not the kind of guy to act love-struck. “I’m just saying. We’re getting along.”

“Man, you’ve been into Halle since before you found out about Shania. Admit it. You taking your chance now?” Cyril asked.

“I’m not against seeing what happens,” he said casually.

“What about Shania?” Brian asked. “I thought you said she wasn’t into you all getting together.”

“Which is why we’re just waiting to see what happens before we make a big deal out of it,” Quinton said. “No need to upset Shania if we don’t work out.”

“But you two are trying to see if you can make something work?”

“Yeah, if we can get some time together. Getting her alone is the hard part.” Quinton realized he was grumbling.