“We deal with a lot of bullying here,” Halle said. “Kids struggling to find their way often take out their problems on other kids who are less fortunate. Our goal is to show each child that they are important. Find out why the bully is picking on others and provide the kid who’s being bullied with whatever support they need.”
His eyes met hers and his smile curved even more. “Hurt people hurt people, am I right?”
Halle hated the condescension in his voice. “Unfortunately, yes.”
Miriam checked her watch. “You’re about to have lunch, right? I added lunch here at the school on the itinerary before we head to the high school. Then tonight Khris will attend the Business Guild meeting and some of our local businesses tomorrow.”
Halle was more than ready to be rid of Khris and his fake smiles, but she nodded. “Sure, let’s go to the cafeteria.”
They arrived just as sixth grade was finishing lunch and seventh was preparing to come in. They went through the line where Khris was nothing but charm and graciousness as he talked with the cafeteria staff and made everyone laugh about how he’d traded French fries for extra pizza at lunch in middle school. Based on the way he acted, Halle couldn’t imagine him bullying anyone enough to break their leg. She didn’t doubt Quinton, which only made her more leery of Khris.
They were settled around a table when the seventh grade students began to pile in. Halle noticed one of the teachers she needed to talk with and excused herself. When she returned several minutes later, she hoped they were closer to being done and she could end this meal.
Khris turned to her when she sat down. He spoke so that only she could hear. “Are you and Quinton dating?”
She frowned, thrown off by the unexpected question. “What?”
He pressed a hand to his chest. His face a mask of congeniality. “I’m sorry, we’re old friends and when I found out that you two had a kid, I was curious.”
Halle kept her expression neutral even though she wanted to roll her eyes. “Have you had the chance to catch up with him since you’ve been in town?”
“No, apparently he’s very busy. Almost as if he’s avoiding me.” He let out a self-deprecating chuckle.
She raised a brow. “Based on the way he described your friendship, I can understand why.”
Khris paused then nodded slowly. The not-quite-charming smile back on his face. “Remember what you said about bullies earlier?”
“I do.”
“Well, it’s true. I found out something in middle school and I didn’t know how to handle it.”
“And you took it out on Quinton?”
He looked her in the eye. “I did.”
His admission surprised her. She waited for him to pair the admission with an excuse or justification. “Why?”
“Because I didn’t have anyone else I could take it out on.” He shrugged. “I’m older now. There are things we need to talk about. Things that he needs to know. Will you ask him to talk to me?”
She didn’t want to do any type of favor for Khris, but she also was caught off guard by his candidness. Quinton didn’t owe Khris his forgiveness, but did he need to hear the full story? “He won’t listen to me.”
“I think he will.”
Dr. Watts interrupted them. “Khris, are you ready for the next stop?”
Khris nodded. “I am.” He looked back at Halle with a pleading look. “Principal Parker has been very helpful. I hope she continues to be.”
Quinton accepted the beer from Cyril. He sat at the corner seat in A Couple of Beers and despite the hum of conversation in the bar, the noise still seemed quieter than his house.
“Your parents still in town?” Cyril asked.
“Yeah, still here.” He took a sip of the beer.
“How long are they here for?”
Quinton shrugged. “I don’t know. They’re retired and don’t have any reason to rush back home. My sister can work remotely so she’s good.”
Cyril cocked a brow. “Wait, they didn’t tell you how long they plan to visit?”