“I want you here.” His fingertips brushed across her elbow. Down her forearm until they wrapped around her fingers.

The air between them became electric. Pricks of awareness crackled across her skin as she sucked in a shallow breath.

“Do you?” The question wasn’t necessary. She saw the longing in his eyes. Felt the same pull deep in her midsection. They shouldn’t be doing this. Not here and not like this, but she also couldn’t pull herself away.

“Quinton!” His mom’s voice broke the spell. “What are y’all doing over there?”

He stepped back and sighed. Halle’s lips lifted in a half smile. “Here we come!” he yelled back. His eyes remained fixed on her face. The promise that this wasn’t over clear as the tension pulled tight between them.

She followed him into the living room. His mom and dad were on the couch. Shania sat between them while his sister was in her chair next to the couch. ESPN played on the television.

“Oh, Halle, I didn’t know you were here, too,” Laura said as if she hadn’t just asked what she and Quinton were up to.

Halle gave a stiff smile. “I am.”

She didn’t think Quinton’s parents disliked her, but she also hadn’t gotten the hurry-up-and-join-our-family vibe from them either. Another reason why this thing between her and Quinton was so tricky.

“You don’t trust her with us or something?”

Quinton made a sound of disagreement. “Mom, Halle is welcome to stay.”

“I want her to stay,” Dawn chimed in. She reached out a hand toward Halle. “Sit over here next to me.”

Halle relaxed and sat in the love seat next to Dawn. Quinton’s hand brushed against hers as they both moved in that direction. She glanced at him. His fingers stretched her way as if to touch her again but pulled back at the last second. Heat flashed across her cheeks. She tried to ignore the need to reach for his hand in turn. She could not get lost in these feelings. Not in front of Shania and his parents.

She settled in the love seat next to Quinton’s sister. Quinton sat next to her. The love seat was big enough that they didn’t have to touch each other, but small enough that if they moved they were bound to brush against the other. The conversation flowed easily around football and the games that would come on during the day. Halle tried to follow along, but she was not interested. She couldn’t focus with Quinton next to her.

He shifted and his leg brushed against hers. When he got excited as he spoke with his family, their arms touched. As he settled back into the seat, their hands touched. Each brief touch only made her want to touch him more. For her body to remember how good he’d felt as they’d kissed. How much she wanted to feel his skin against hers.

The touches weren’t the only torture. The glances between each accidental caress. The moment when their gazes caught, held. Each second drove the air from her lungs. She wished she could find a moment to be alone with him. To cash the check of desire in his eyes.

“I want some wings,” Willie said when it was nearly half time of the first game.

“Me too,” Dawn agreed, looking at Halle and Quinton. “Where’s the best place to get some?”

Shania answered. “There’s a wing and deli place out near Walmart. Their wings are really good. We can order some and get them delivered.”

“They deliver?” Willie asked.

“I use the app on my phone.” Shania pulled out her phone.

Willie twisted his lips and shook his head. “Ain’t no way I’m going to pay those fees. We can order and pick the food up.”

Dawn slapped her hands together. “That sounds like a good idea. We can go get the food and bring it back.”

Quinton sat forward. “All of us don’t need to get the food.”

“Well, I need to go to Walmart,” Dawn said. She looked at her mom. “Didn’t you say you needed to pick up something from Walmart?”

Laura’s eyes lit up. “I do. I can go in there while you pick up the food.”

Dawn gave a quick nod before looking to Shania. “You want to ride?”

Shania looked at Halle. “Can I?”

The quick decision to take a trip to Walmart was surprising, but she didn’t have a good reason to say no. “That’s fine.”

Shania pumped her fist. “Cool.”