She didn’t think Quinton would do anything to harm Shania. In fact, she was comfortable with them being alone, but she wasn’t ready to give up control completely.

“I thought you were setting boundaries?”

Halle uncrossed her arms and sighed. She didn’t know how to tell him that they were, but her idea of a boundary didn’t include never being alone with or talking to Quinton. “We are, but to be fair it would be almost impossible to do that and never come in contact with him.”

“How do I know you won’t also start getting feelings for him?”

She didn’t know. She’d thought one thing about Quinton, only to discover he was interesting, considerate and straightforward. She understood all the reasons why they shouldn’t jump into anything, but she couldn’t promise that she would never feel anything. “Gregory, he’s going to be a part of my family.”

“You’re attracted to him. Admit it.” His eyes were hurt and accusing.

The denial was on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn’t do it. Why lie? Yes, she was attracted to him. Attraction didn’t mean she would act on it.

“I’m attracted to Idris Elba, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to do anything with him.”

Gregory narrowed his eyes at her. “That’s not the same and you know it. You don’t know Idris Elba. He isn’t your kid’s father. How can you be around him if you’re attracted to him?”

“Because Shania doesn’t want us together. We both are trying to learn how to co-parent. There are a lot of things more important right now than our attraction.”

“You say that now, but how do I know that nothing will ever happen?”

The pain in his voice prodded at her guilt, but the other emotion lingering there kept guilt at bay. She frowned. “You don’t trust me.”

“Would you trust me in this situation?” he shot back versus denying.

“I would try. If I really wanted to be with you. Do you really want to be with me?”

“Do you?” he asked.

“I did—”

Her words cut off. That was just it. She had. Past tense. Now her life was all out of control and confusing. She didn’t know what she wanted or what was going to happen next.

Gregory took two steps back. “You did?”

She sighed and realized the break he’d asked for was going to be more than that. She was going to have to let her dreams about her and Gregory go. “There’s just a lot going on right now. I’ve got to figure things out. Figure out how to make things work out between me and Quinton and this co-parenting thing.”

“You want to break up?”

She frowned, stunned by the surprise in his voice. “You asked me for a break. What do you want me to do, Gregory? You don’t trust me around Quinton. I’ve got to be around him because of Shania. Whether I like it or not, he’s in my life now. It’s going to take some time for things to settle down. Maybe I need to get this part of my life settled before focusing on a relationship.”

“You know what? Maybe you do need to do that.” He turned to walk away.

Halle watched him leave and considered calling him back. She didn’t. What was she calling him back for? To prove to Quinton that she and Gregory would make it? To try to avoid Quinton at all costs just to make Gregory feel more comfortable? Because she didn’t want to fail at the first relationship she’d actively pursued having?

She got into her car and drove home. She replayed her night over and over. Everything was in chaos, and she didn’t know how to get things back on track.

Shania came out of her room to greet Halle when she got home. “How was the guild meeting?”

Halle gave her a small smile as she dropped her purse on the sofa. “It was pretty good. They’re ready for the visit from the magazine.”

“Was Gregory there?”

“He got there late. Um, we broke up,” she blurted out. Shania hadn’t known about Gregory asking for a break. Halle hadn’t wanted her to feel like she was responsible. Now that they were officially through, she couldn’t keep her daughter in the dark.

Shania’s eyes widened. She crossed the room and sat on the couch. “Oh no! Mom, really?”

Halle sat on the arm of the sofa. She ran her hand over Shania’s curly hair. “Yes, but it’s okay. Nothing for you to worry about.”