“It’s not that. It’s the editor. I knew him in high school. We weren’t friends.”
“Oh, well, you’re adults now. Maybe things will be different.”
Quinton grunted. “Doubtful. But anyway, I said I’d help so I will.”
“I’m glad you’re helping.” She meant it. As high school football coach, Quinton was an important member of the community. “I’ll get to see you tomorrow at the meeting.”
“I’d like to see you,” he said in a low, easy tone.
Her stomach clenched. Heat blossomed in her cheeks. “Gregory will be there, too.” Not with her, but he’d mentioned he would be there to represent the community college where he also taught literacy classes. He’d hoped to see her. For them to try starting up again. She hadn’t told Quinton about their break. She was afraid. Not of Quinton, but afraid of her ability to pretend as if she wasn’t attracted to him if he knew she was free.
“I don’t care about Gregory. I’ll be happy to see you.” He spoke with a confidence that made her body tremble.
She cleared her throat. “Well, I guess I should go. I don’t want to keep you.”
A pause before he replied in a knowing tone. “Have a good night, Halle.”
Quinton walked into the Peachtree Cove Business Guild meeting the following night. He’d barely had time to go home and change after football practice ended, but he’d made it. Just as he heard the president call the meeting to order. He scanned the room. He didn’t even pretend like he wasn’t looking for Halle. He’d thought about their phone conversation over and over. Though he couldn’t prove it, he didn’t think she’d wanted to get off the phone with him the night before.
A hand waved and he spotted Cyril sitting near the front. His friend also served as the Business Guild’s secretary. Quinton threw up a hand in response. Cyril then pointed toward the side of the room. Quinton glanced in that direction and spotted Halle sitting in the third row on the far side. He glanced back at his friend and lifted his chin in thanks. Cyril grinned and nodded. Quinton made his way to the side of the room where Halle was.
“Anyone sitting here?” he asked quietly because the president was once again asking everyone to settle down for the meeting.
Halle looked up at him, her dark brown eyes widening. She glanced toward the door then looked back at him. “No. No one is sitting there.”
“Cool.” He slid into the seat next to her.
“I was beginning to think you weren’t coming,” she whispered. She shifted in her seat before straightening the material of her skirt. It was a bright, orange flower pattern and she wore a beige, fitted shirt tucked into the waistband. Even sitting with the matching orange blazer she wore he could tell the outfit accentuated her curvy figure.
“Would you have been disappointed to miss me?” he asked in a low voice.
Her lips pressed together before her back straightened. “No. The thought just happened to cross my mind.”
His lips twitched with the need to grin. She was sexy as hell when she got all buttoned up. Prim and proper. But then there was the spark in her eye when she was passionate about something. Made him wonder about getting the fire in her eye for other reasons.
“Where’s Gregory?” he asked. “I thought he was coming.” He really didn’t give a damn about Gregory, but he wanted to know if the guy was going to show up and put his sensitive ego between him and Halle.
“He had to work at the technical college and fill in. He said he might make it if he could.”
“Hmm,” was his only response.
Halle turned his way. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
He shook his head. “Nothing. I didn’t say anything.”
Her eyes narrowed. “You’re glad he’s not here, aren’t you?”
“Am I sad that Gregory didn’t make it? No.”
“Why are you like that?” Her tone was exasperated but her full lips twitched.
“Like what?” he asked, raising a brow. “I already told you why I don’t care about him.” That he was more than willing to step in as the man in her life if she gave him a chance.
She sucked in a breath. Her lips parted and something flashed in her eyes. Something that made him wish they were anywhere else but in the middle of a damn Business Guild meeting. Because if they’d been anywhere else, alone, with no chance of interruption, he would slide closer to her. Slip his arm around her waist. Lower his lips and taste hers. What would she do if he kissed her? Pull back or melt into him?
His eyes lowered to her mouth. He licked his lips then raised his gaze back to hers. There was that spark he wanted to see. No, more than a spark. This was a fire that lingered and teased and sent a rush of blood straight to his dick.