“Don’t go borrowing trouble.”
Halle gave her friend a pointed look. “I’d say the same to you.”
Bernard came down the stairs before Tracey could reply. Bernard was tall with chestnut-brown skin and a slim build. He and Halle had been cool in high school. He’d been the high school salutatorian; Halle had been valedictorian. He’d been quiet, and studious and a tad bit judgmental about kids who weren’t on the same academic standing as him. She’d been surprised when he and Tracey had hooked up. Tracey was brash, bold and more toward the middle of the class standings. She’d assumed opposites attracted because they’d stayed together this long.
Halle couldn’t believe he would cheat. Even now he was dressed in a pressed button-up shirt and slacks that weren’t particularly fashionable or stylish. He didn’t look the part of cheating husband.
Tracey frowned at him. “Where are you going?”
He ran a hand over his low-cut fade before he pointed over his shoulder. “My cousin needs me to go with him to check on something.”
Tracey’s eyes narrowed. “Oh really?”
Bernard sighed and threw up his hands. “Come on, Tracey, why you got to say it like that?”
Tracey pointed to his outfit. “Because of this. That’s how you’re going out? Come on, Bernard. Really?”
He pressed a hand to his chest. “What? Are you accusing me of lying?”
“I’m saying you don’t look like you’re going to help your cousin. Does he, Halle?”
Halle looked Bernard up and down. She tended to stay out of other people’s business, but this was her best friend. “Help him with what?”
Bernard shook his head. “You two are ganging up on me, and I’m not doing this.”
He walked toward the door. Tracey jumped up and followed him. “Hold up one second.”
Tracey followed him out the door. Halle heard them arguing on the porch. Tracey would be better off confronting him than playing this game of back-and-forth. Halle’s cell phone chimed. A text message from Shania.
What does test tube baby mean?
Halle’s insides sank to the floor. Where the hell did that come from? If someone at that school had used those words, then Halle was going on a rampage.
Who said that?
Calm down. Eye roll emoji.
Halle rolled her eyes in response.
No, tell me now.
It’s cool. Coach Q handled it. I just want to know.
Coach Q handled it? What was that supposed to mean? She called Shania while also keeping an ear out for Tracey’s argument with Bernard to make sure neither of them got out of hand.
“Mom, you didn’t have to call. I’m with Kayla and Nadia.” She could hear the please don’t do this in front of family plea in her daughter’s voice.
Halle took a deep breath and placed a hand over her racing heart. Shania was right. This didn’t need to play out in front of her cousin. “Just say yes or no. Did someone say that to you?”
“Did someone say it in reference to you?”
A pause. “Maybe.”
“And Coach Q heard it and handled it.”
“Yes. Now, can we please go over this later? It’s not a big deal,” Shania pleaded.