Halle nodded. “They’re in the back of my SUV. I wasn’t carrying all that by myself.”
“Doesn’t look like you’re by yourself,” Mick said with a grin. “You must be Gregory.” Mick held out a hand.
Gregory smiled and shook Mick’s hand. “I am. Has Halle been talking about me?”
Mick’s wife, Beverly, grinned. “Maybe just a little bit.”
“Coach Q, you came,” Shania said, beaming. She quickly moved to stand next to Quinton.
Quinton couldn’t help but return her smile. She, at least, was happy to see him. “Yeah, when Cyril mentioned flag football, I said I’d come and referee.”
Halle raised a brow and looked at Quinton. “Oh really.”
Cyril looked to Mick. “Want to grab those coolers? It’s going to be a long, hot day.”
“Sure,” Mick said. “Where are your keys?”
Halle handed them over. “It’s two back there.”
“Do you need any help?” Gregory asked.
“Nah, we’ve got this,” Cyril said.
Mick and Cyril walked toward the parking lot. Halle eyed him warily while Gregory gave Quinton a quizzical look.
“I didn’t know you referee as well as coach,” Gregory said. He sounded pleasant enough, but Quinton saw the question in his eye.
“I don’t. Just helping out my boy, Cyril.”
“Hmm,” Gregory said, eyeing him. A second later he slid closer to Halle. “What do you need me to do? You know I’m here to help.”
Halle clasped her hands together and nodded. When she spoke, it was in her efficient, principal’s voice. “Mick and I usually set up before everyone gets here. Cards and board games over here under the picnic shelter. We can set up the badminton net next to it, and Zachariah said he’s bringing the flags for the football game. My cousin Robbie is going to fire up the grill.”
“Zachariah?” Quinton asked. “My coach?”
Halle nodded stiffly. “Yeah, he’s dating my cousin, Kayla. You didn’t know that?”
He shook his head. “I didn’t realize she was your cousin.”
“Yep. Small world.”
They exchanged a glance. Did she know that Zachariah already knew? Zachariah had approached him about overhearing his conversation with Halle, but that didn’t mean her cousin had said anything. It was one thing for Imani to know; she was closest to Halle and wouldn’t say anything. With two other people who knew what was up, he wondered if they could keep the secret during the entire day. He knew they had to tell everyone eventually, but he didn’t think Halle wanted it blurted out at cousins’ day. He’d be sure to pull Zachariah to the side when they got there and ask him to keep things quiet.
“Ooh, Halle, look at you! Got your boyfriend and your baby daddy here,” a woman’s voice called from behind them. “Girl, you’re really trying to shake up cousins’ day, huh.”
Halle’s eyes bugged. Quinton sucked in a breath. Shania’s jaw dropped. The three of them turned just as Zachariah strolled up with a woman with bright, inquisitive eyes, a short, cropped haircut and a similar stature to Halle. With the arrival of Halle’s cousin Kayla, Quinton understood why he should have stayed his ass at home.
“What is she talking about?” Gregory asked, confusion clouding his voice.
Heat engulfed Halle like a ball of flames straight out of hell. Why in the world would Kayla come out here and tell the whole world everything? Because Kayla was the world’s messiest gossip, that was why.
Halle hurried over to Kayla’s side and elbowed her cousin. “If you don’t stop playing, you’re going to start something.”
Kayla frowned. “Huh?”
“Oh look, there’s Robbie with the grill.” She pointed in that direction. “Gregory, can you help him with that? Quinton, will you go with Zachariah to set up for flag football?”