“I told you,” Shania said, sounding triumphant.

Halle pressed a hand to her temple and closed her eyes. “Shania, please.”

“Please what? I told you he was my dad. I don’t know why we had to do this, but now that we have, we know it’s true and I was right. So, what happens now?”

Halle dropped her hand and looked from her daughter’s expectant face to Quinton’s unreadable one. “What happens is we figure this out.”

“What’s there to figure out? He’s my dad. Which means he’s going to be around a lot more and we can do stuff.” She turned toward Quinton. “Right?”

Halle shifted forward in her seat. She shot a help me glance at Imani, but her friend seemed just as surprised as she was. “Shania—”

“I’ll be around as much as you and your mother want,” Quinton said evenly. He sounded just as unfazed as he looked. Did anything ruffle this guy’s feathers?

Shania grinned. “Really?”

“Yes, but...”

Shania’s face fell. “But what?”

“It’s going to be an adjustment.” He glanced at Halle. “For all of us.”

“I’m okay with adjustments,” Shania said.

“I’m sure you are, but everyone isn’t.”

“You’re worried about what people will think?” Shania said, being her usual observant self.

“I don’t care what people think about me. I just don’t want you to be hurt as the word gets out.”

Halle appreciated his words. He didn’t have to comfort Shania. He didn’t have to even promise to be there for her. He could have turned his back on them both and said his initial donation was the only involvement he wanted. She hoped he genuinely meant what he was saying because if he hurt Shania, Halle would find a way to make his life miserable.

“If anyone tries to say or do anything out of line then they’ll have to deal with me,” Quinton continued. “Plus, it’s none of their business.”

Imani grunted before clasping her hands on her desk. “As if that stopped people in this town from commenting.”

“Let them comment,” Halle said, her hand balling into a fist. “They just better do it behind my back because if I hear any kind of talk I’m going to shut it down.”

Shania grinned. “You sound like Aunt Tracey.”

“I’ve known her most of my life so that’s not a surprise.”

Shania’s expression turned curious. “So, you’re not mad at me for doing this?”

“Being mad won’t change anything. We’re here now.” She looked at Quinton. “We’ve got to figure this thing out.”

“Are you going to invite him to cousins’ day?” Shania asked.

“Cousins’ day?” Quinton asked, frowning.

Halle looked to Imani for help, but Imani only watched her with barely hidden amusement. “I don’t think I should.”

The look of affront on Shania’s face almost made Halle feel guilty. “Why not?”

“Because Quinton has his own life and he doesn’t have to come. Plus, I’m already bringing Gregory.”

“What’s cousins’ day?” Quinton asked.

Shania turned in her chair to face him. “It’s a thing Mom and her cousins do. They all get together at the park and do games and stuff. It’s the first time Imani will be able to come. And she’s bringing Cyril, right?” Imani nodded and Shania grinned. “He’s a friend of yours so you’ll get to have fun.”