“My mom and Khris’s dad dated secretly. She didn’t know he was also dating Khris’s mom at the same time. When they both got pregnant, that’s when she found out she was just the one he was seeing for fun. He married Khris’s mom and denied being my dad. Apparently, it was about to be a scandal, but my mom also knew my dad...knew Willie. He liked her, he agreed to be there for her. They got married because of me to avoid my mom’s family and the church from turning their back on her.”
“Would her family have done that?” As soon as she asked she knew the answer. It was the reason she’d kept Shania’s origins a secret.
He nodded. “My maternal grandfather was a preacher and the definition of conservative. He was going to kick her out of the family and the church, but my dad married her. She only married him to save face.”
“Your mom seems to really love your dad.”
“Does she? Are they really in love with each other? Or are they just together because of what happened with me?” He rubbed his temple. “I understand what Shania was saying now. The idea of being the only reason for your parents to be together. To wonder if they’d be better off if you didn’t exist.”
She tightened her hand on his arm. “No, don’t say that. They would not be better off. The reasons why it happened or how you got here are one thing, but your parents care about you.”
“It explains so much now. Why my dad always let my mom take the lead. Why he seemed to be more invested in my sister. She’s actually his daughter. Why Khris’s dad treated me, my mom and my dad like we were shit.” Bitterness filled his voice.
Helplessness filled Halle. She could see the doubt in his eyes. The questioning of everything that made him who he was. The second-guessing. Each emotion tore her heart out.
She placed a hand on his cheek and forced him to look at her. “Quinton, stop it. Stop it right now.”
“But he’s not—”
“Your biological father. Your biological father sounds like a horrible person. You could have turned out just like Khris if he had claimed you. The fact that he didn’t claim you already shows what kind of character he has. Instead, you were raised by a man who loved your mom. A man who loved you. Even I can see that he’s proud of you and cares about you. Khris told you this to get exactly this type of reaction. For you to doubt and question everything. For you to doubt who you are. Would you want Shania to do that?”
He frowned, his eyes focusing on hers. “No. Of course not.”
“Then you can’t do that. She’s struggled after finding out you were her dad. She didn’t want what we learned to force you and I to be together. She could have questioned everything, too, but we showed her that she was going to be okay. You’re going to be okay, too.”
“How do you know that I’m going to be okay?”
“Because I’ve gotten to know you. You’re steady, controlled and you look at everything from all angles. You aren’t ruled by emotions and knee-jerk reactions. I know this is hard and you’re allowed to feel everything you’re feeling, but don’t doubt who you are. Take a day or two to process and then talk to your parents. Ask all your questions.”
“What if I don’t want to know the answers?”
She wished she could tell him not to ask the questions with answers that might hurt him, but she couldn’t. If he didn’t ask, the not knowing would eat away at him, or worse, he’d make up his own mind about the answer and that could hurt more than the truth.
“Not knowing and guessing will only make things worse. Figure out what you really feel and what you really need to know, then ask the questions.”
“Do you think I should call Khris?”
“Do you want to call him?”
He sighed and lifted a shoulder. “I don’t know.”
“You don’t need the answer to that right now. Figure things out with your parents first then worry about if and when you’ll call Khris. You’re not required to build a relationship with him just because you share a father.”
He sighed and then chuckled. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her against his side. “Thank you.”
“For listening?”
“That and not pushing me to have an answer today. I just needed to get it out. I didn’t want to go to Cyril’s bar and risk being overheard.”
“That’s what I’m here for. Not just a girlfriend for great sex.”
He laughed and she was thrilled that he sounded happy for a moment. That the desolation was gone from his voice. “That’s good to know. I’m glad I subscribed to the listening and supportive girlfriend plan versus the just great sex plan.”
She leaned back and looked at him through narrowed eyes. “Are you saying my plan doesn’t come with great sex?”
“Never that.” He pulled her in and kissed her slowly. “You’re everything I could have asked for and more.”