Imani eyed her then nodded. “You’re not going to keep this to yourself, are you? You will tell us if you need anything?”
“I’ll tell you. I promise.”
They went to the door and rang the bell. No one answered, so they rang again. Halle knocked on the door. “Tracey, it’s us. If you don’t answer, I’ll use my key.” They knocked again.
A few seconds later, the lock clicked and Tracey answered. She was still wearing the outfit she’d had on the day before. Her braids hung loose around her face, and dark circles framed her eyes.
Imani and Halle immediately rushed forward and hugged her. Tracey let out a shaky laugh. “I’m okay. You don’t have to squeeze the life out of me.”
They pulled back. Imani studied her friend. “You don’t look okay.”
“Or smell okay,” Halle said, raising a brow. “You smell like wine.”
“I needed a lot of wine after Bernard left,” Tracey said blithely. Her natural defense mechanism. This was bad.
Imani pointed toward the stairs. “Go shower and then we’ll talk. You’ll feel better after a shower.”
Tracey didn’t argue. She just turned and followed instructions. Halle and Imani exchanged glances before getting to work cleaning up the bottles of wine and empty ice cream tubs littering Tracey’s kitchen. When Tracey came back to them freshly showered, her braids in a ponytail and in a pair of sweats, they handed her a cup of tea.
Tracey frowned at the mug. “Tea? I need something stronger than this.”
Imani shook her head. “Doctor’s orders. You’re drinking tea for now.”
Tracey sighed and sank onto her sofa. “Wait until you hear this and then we’ll talk about what I do and don’t need.”
They settled on either side of her. Halle placed a hand on Tracey’s knee. “What happened?”
Tracey stared straight ahead. “They’ve been seeing each other for a year. It started off as just sex, according to him. One time they hooked up and he said they never would again, but of course that was a lie. All the visits to help his cousin were nothing but a front for him to meet up with her in Augusta. Same for her, all her sick days or family emergencies were him. He said they fell in love three months ago.”
Halle scoffed. Her hand balled into a fist. A fist she wished she could put in Bernard’s face. “I can’t believe this.”
“He’s such an asshole,” Imani said.
Tracey’s lips lifted in a sad half smile. “That’s not all. She’s pregnant. She told him at the luncheon and that’s why they were kissing.” A tear slipped down Tracey’s cheek. “They’re keeping it. He’s going to be there for his kid.” She said the last part with a sneer.
Halle sucked in a breath. “No, Tracey. How could he?”
Tracey looked at Halle with sad, angry eyes. “I wanted to have a kid. I asked him about having a baby. He said the time wasn’t right. That he wasn’t ready for kids. That kids would hold us back with me starting a new business. That fucking asshole said that shit to me just last week. And now he’s ready to be a fucking dad?”
Tracey jerked up the mug and Halle quickly put a hand on her friend’s arm. “Let’s not throw the mug.”
Imani nodded. “Especially since that is expensive-ass tea and Bernard isn’t across the room to hit in the face.”
The three of them let out a shaky laugh. Tracey sighed and sipped her tea. “Thank you. I’d only have to clean it up.”
After a few quiet breaths, Imani asked softly, “What are you going to do?”
“What can I do? I’m not fighting for a man who cheated on me and got someone else pregnant. If she wants his trifling ass she can have him.”
Halle ran a hand over her friend’s back. “What do you need us to do?”
Tracey shook her head. “What you’re doing now. Be here.” Tracey groaned and pressed a hand to her forehead. “This is going to suck. Everyone in this town is going to know. They’re going to talk about nothing but this.”
“But this isn’t on you. This is all on Bernard and Monique. You’re the wronged person.”
“Do you think the old gossips will care?” Tracey said bitterly. “They’ll talk about me and my family. They always said Bernard was too good for me. That I was the hood chick he was giving a come up.”
“Forget that,” Halle said seriously. “He is not too good for you. Just look at what he did. He’s the worst for you and anyone who blames this on you will have the Get Fresh Crew to deal with.”