He shifted even closer. The heat of him drawing her in and melting the flimsy walls she’d put up around her heart. “You came looking for me?”
She cleared her throat and glanced away. “I wanted to see how you were doing.”
His hand traced down her arm before entwining his fingers with hers and squeezing. “I was going to find you today, too.”
Imani looked back at him. The emotion in his eyes pushed past any lingering doubts about how she felt. She wasn’t sure how to make this work, or even if she could make this work, but she couldn’t pretend as if she didn’t care about Cyril.
“Let’s find your dad first and then deal with us.”
He nodded. “Deal.”
Imani didn’t let go of his hand as they went to the front of the house. When she had to break the contact to unlock the front door, he placed a hand on her hip. Imani’s lips twitched as she tried to fight back a grin. She wanted him to touch her and loved the fact that he wasn’t ready to break contact with her.
The house was quiet when they entered. “Mom?” Imani called out. There wasn’t an answer.
She frowned at Cyril. “Her car is here.”
“Maybe she’s taking a nap or something,” he offered.
“Let me go check.”
Imani left him and went down the hall. Her mom’s door was closed. She knocked and opened before waiting on an answer. When she opened the door, she realized she should have waited for the answer.
“Mom!” she yelled.
Her mom jumped up in the bed and snatched the sheet to just under her chin, covering her naked body. Mr. Preston also sat up and held the sheet to his chin. Imani closed her eyes, shook her head, but they were still there when she opened them.
Cyril’s footsteps pounded down the hall to her side. “What’s wrong? Is she okay?” He was out of breath when he got to her side and put his hand on the small of her back.
Imani pointed in the room. He looked that way then screamed. “Dad!”
Her mom waved her hand. “You two get out right now.”
“But... Mom—”
“Don’t but Mom me. Get out and let us get dressed. Unless you want to get an eyeful.” Her mom moved to get out of the bed. Imani quickly reached for the doorknob and slammed the door shut.
Half an hour later the four sat around the living room. Imani and Cyril on the love seat while Preston and Linda sat close to each other on the couch. Dozens of questions bounced around in Imani’s head like bees. She wasn’t sure which one to blurt out first.
“I thought you never wanted to see my dad again,” Cyril said breaking the awkward silence.
Imani nodded and looked at her mom. “You said you couldn’t be with a man who didn’t trust you.”
Preston flinched and Linda gave him a small smile before looking back at Imani. “We aren’t back together.”
Preston’s chest puffed up. “We aren’t?”
Linda lifted a finger. “Not officially anyway.”
Imani cleared her throat and shifted on the couch. If they weren’t officially together then what exactly were they doing?
“But you two...” Unable to finish the words Imani gestured between them and then to the bedroom.
Her mom shrugged. “We’re two consenting adults who missed each other’s company.”
“Linda, you know that’s not all that was,” Preston said gently before reaching over and taking her hand.
Linda relaxed a little before pulling her hand away and meeting Imani’s eyes. “I’ve decided to take things slowly this time.”