“You’re trying to kill me,” he said with a breathless laugh.

“I’m so sorry,” she said, humor sparkling in her eyes. “I always jump down. I didn’t know you would try to catch me.”

“I wasn’t going to let you fall,” he wheezed.

“Instead, you were going to let me crush you?” She raised a brow.

His laughter made it even harder to catch his breath. By the time their laughter settled they stood smiling at each other.

“Are you going to let me go?” she asked softly. But there was nothing in her voice that sounded offended, nor did she make a move to step back.

“A part of me doesn’t want to,” he admitted.

Imani’s eyes widened and her lips parted as the air thickened around them. She felt good in his arms. He’d known from the moment their eyes met that she would fit against him like this. That her soft curves and enchanting eyes would make him forget everything else in the world. The sound of nature, birds chirping, the lapping water of the lake all faded away as the pounding of his pulse in his ears took over.

Her gaze dropped to his mouth. She bit the corner of her lip and he bit back a groan. If she kept looking at him like that he was going to kiss her. If he kissed her, he wouldn’t be able to forget kissing her, and if he couldn’t forget kissing her they’d never get through this wedding. The wedding his dad wanted. His dad’s second chance at happiness. He couldn’t mess that up. If kissing her turned into something they later regretted it would ruin everything.

Cyril quickly let her go and stepped back. “My bad. I shouldn’t have said that. Let’s get back.”

Confusion filled her brown eyes. For a second, he thought she would question why. Instead, her eyes cleared, and she nodded and avoided eye contact. “Yes. Let’s hurry up and get out of here.”


When Imani’s mom invited her to attend the Peachtree Cove Business Guild meeting with her, Imani hesitated. She wasn’t going if it was just another excuse to get Imani to hang out with Preston, but when her mother let her know Preston wasn’t attending because he had a deacon board meeting at the church, she’d quickly agreed. Finally, she could get some time alone with her mom. Between working at the shop, wedding preparations and Preston always being around Imani hadn’t had much one-on-one time with her mom. In fact, she’d spent more time with Cyril than anyone else. At this rate she’d never get the chance to have a real talk about her mom and Preston.

“I’m glad you decided to come to the guild meeting with me tonight,” Linda said as they drove the few minutes to the town hall.

“I wanted to come. We haven’t really had time to hang out with each other.”

Her mom glanced away from the road to give Imani a half smile. “I know. Things have been so busy with the wedding planning and the shop. But we’ve still had fun.”

“It’s been fun seeing you.”

“That’s the only thing that’s been fun?”

“I know the wedding planning is really just a chance to make me hang out with Cyril.”

Linda scoffed and tried to look shocked by Imani’s words but the twitch in her lips gave her away. “We’re not doing that. Preston and I have just gotten caught up in other stuff.”

“Okay, Mom, we’ll go with that.”

Her mom laughed and patted her leg. “You need to get to know him. He’s going to be your family.”

She did not want to think about Cyril in that way. Not while the attraction she felt for him was still there. Not when she’d thought about the look in his eye that morning by the lake. In her fantasies he’d pulled her into his arms and kissed her instead of being smart and stepping back.

Imani held up a hand. “That’s yet to be determined.”

Linda sighed. “Don’t tell me that you’re still against me marrying Preston.”

“I’m still not sure if I understand why you’re getting married.”

Linda shook her head. “Why do people typically get married?”

“I don’t know. Money, security, desperation.” Imani held up a finger with each word.

“Lord, I did a number on you didn’t I?” Linda said sounding regretful.

“No, you only made sure I didn’t view life through rose-colored glasses. I will admit, Preston seems nice, and Cyril is...” Insightful, sexy, irresistible. Imani cleared her throat. “He’s cool, but this is still sudden. I’d feel better if you were getting married next year or something and really giving me time to get to know him. This feels rushed and forced on me.”