“Last I heard, the lake is also part of nature.”
Her laugh echoed in the quiet of the woods. He smiled, too. Despite being cold, in the damn woods, going who knew how far toward a lake, instead of making his way to the bar to get ready for the day.
“What brought you out here anyway? I thought you were working the flower shop with your mom today.”
“I am, but after I got up for breakfast your dad was there and—”
Cyril waited for her to continue. She glanced at him quickly then looked away. “I just decided to take a quick ride before going there.”
“Is he being a nuisance?” His dad was spending more time at Ms. Kemp’s house.
She shook her head. “Actually, he’s being very helpful. He cooks meals and cleans up afterward.”
He skipped ahead until he walked next to her. “Hold up. Is that...something positive about my dad?”
She bumped him with her elbow. “I just said he cooks and cleans up after. That’s stating a fact.”
“But you still don’t want him there?”
She was quiet for a few seconds before speaking slowly, as if being careful with her words. “I think it’s more of the setup they planned. I can’t help but get to know him if he’s around. It’s just that I’m not used to having a man around the house like that. Not after my dad. It’s kind of awkward.”
“I can ask him to back off. If you want.”
Considering how Preston and Ms. Kemp had already set up for him and Imani to spend time together he wouldn’t put it past them to consider forcing Preston’s presence on Imani as a way to make her go along with the wedding. He understood they wanted Imani to feel more comfortable with the idea of her mom getting remarried, but Preston would stop if he thought he was making Imani too uncomfortable.
“As much as I want to do that, I won’t.”
“Why not? You’re home after not being here for a while. You shouldn’t be uncomfortable.”
“I appreciate that, but I know that if I ask him to leave then my mom will be upset. I told her I’d try, so I’m trying.”
“And leaving every chance you get. Like on Friday night when you came to the bar.”
“Hey, I wanted to spend time with Halle and Tracey. That was good.” She pointed ahead. “Almost there.”
She was right, he could see the sun glimmering off the lake at the end of the trail. “That wasn’t too far.”
“Told you.”
They were silent for the few minutes it took to walk out into the small clearing. He assumed they were at a cove at the back of the lake because across from them were more trees and to the right was the rest of the lake.
“Whose property are we on?” He’d been so concerned with not leaving her alone that he hadn’t thought about the possible trespassing they were doing.
“It’s owned by the town. It’s part of the trail system.”
“Peachtree Cove has a trail system?”
“You really don’t do nature,” she said with a laugh. She walked over to a large boulder. Spray-painted messages covered the boulder’s surface. Claims of who was there, people being in love and high school classes.
“I guess this is a popular spot.” He pointed to all the messages.
Imani’s answer was to climb up to the top. “It is. Usually at night with the younger crowd. You can also camp here if you get a permit from the town.”
Cyril stood back so he could look up at her. “Good to know, but I won’t be applying for that permit.”
Her light laughter echoed in the quiet. “Not a camper, either?”