Page 84 of Whistleblower

“Eden.” Ravi holds up both hands as if in surrender, with a tongue-in-cheek smile. “Who do you think told Callen to offer you a job?”


Ravi clasps her hands together and the hollow clapping sound echoes off the walls. “I was in charge of the Empress case. There were so many moving pieces that dragged out over almost a year. We were so busy building an iron clad case that we foolishly overlooked the sacrifice you made. You were dealing with repercussions we weren’t even aware of until long after the fact, and for that—on behalf of the entire FBI—I want to apologize. We should’ve done more, sooner, to make you feel safe.”

My eyes widen to the point they begin to feel dry. “Thank you,” I choke out.

She continues, “When I got word that you were seeking employment and couldn’t find anything, I instructed Callen to create a position for you. I figured a decent salary and being under the protection of the FBI moving forward might be the first step to making amends.”

Amends? Too little, too late.

But I tell my brain to shut up because I truly appreciate the sentiment. After all this time…an apology is welcome.

“Thank you,” I say again. “I really do appreciate it.”

“If you’re interested, we could use your insight at headquarters.”

“Headquarters?” My question comes out as a squeak. Even Callen raises his eyebrows in surprise.

“Keep an eye on your email. Once this place is in order, I have some bigger fish for you to fry.” She winks before tossing her head over her shoulder. “Callen, let’s finish the tour. I have exactly forty minutes before I’m needed on the tarmac.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Callen hops out of his chair and waits until Ravi is a few paces down the hallway. He turns to me and presses his hands together in prayer and mouths, “Thank you,” dramatically, before disappearing down the hallway.

A job with the actual FBI…not tucked underground and hiding all these illegalities. Fidelity, bravery and integrity are all along the things I already teach, so it wouldn’t be a bad match.

I’m here supposedly to get PALADIN in line, but the joke is on Callen. I’ve studied enough companies to know there are kings, queens, and pawns. Right now, Callen thinks he’s in control but it’s only because Vesper allows him to think so. PALADIN is already in line and it has nothing to do with me or my so-called “magic touch.”

Graceful, calculating and patient… Vesper is the king, queen, knight, and bishop of this entire operation.

Now alone in my office, I run my fingers over War and Peace, reflecting on Linc’s words from the other night. My stomach flits at Vesper’s warning to Linc, telling him not to get invested. At the present moment, I’m not worried about Empress or break-ins. I’m worried about the only woman who Linc is more loyal to than me…

Vesper doesn’t need me, soon, she’ll realize that. At the end of the day, when she, Linc and PALADIN are done with me, where will I go? What will I do?

Maybe Ravi’s introduction is in perfect timing.



I find total darkness comforting. I can enjoy the silence without closing my eyes.

I took the liberty of dragging a chair into this shipping container because God knows how long it’ll take before these fuckers show up to collect the contents of this oversized, dry cargo container. They are unaware that it was already unloaded a few hours ago.

I was warned there would be a handful of men coming.

Good, I’m especially angry right now. I don’t mind unloading a few bullets.

It took six months of intel to intercept this illegal shipment. The authorities were expecting the criminal ammunition. The guns, the grenades, the missiles—not remotely surprising.

The women, however, were very unexpected. Chained together like dogs, they didn’t even look scared when we opened the damn door. They were past fear, well into the realm of defeat. They hung their heads, accepting their dreary fate, probably wishing for death over the harrowing sentence awaiting them when they arrived.

Some of them got their wish. Apparently the ship was unexpectedly delayed off the coast. Of course, the ship captain wouldn’t know to relieve the prisoners he had no idea he was transporting. The women had just enough food, water, and waste buckets for a four-day journey… The trip took more than eight.

This is why Vesper asked me to handle it. Anyone could’ve easily ambushed these assholes and put a few body bags in the ocean, but Vesper knew what this scene would do to me. She wanted a vengeance-fueled bloodbath as payment for what these poor women were put through…

And I’m here to deliver.

The women who survived were quickly tended to by trauma teams. I watched as they barely nodded or shook their heads in responses to questions that they probably didn’t understand. They don’t speak English, and even if they did, who the hell would be in the mood to be questioned after that ordeal? It took everything in me not to interfere with the authorities, tell them to shut the hell up, and get these women to safety. Let them wash themselves, drink some water, eat, sleep in a safe place—then ask the fucking questions in the morning.