Page 76 of Whistleblower

I can’t decide.

“What makes you come fastest?” Linc asks with his eyes on my mouth. “Can you come from this?”

“You want this to go fast?” My breath hitches, making a coherent response difficult.

“No. I just need you soaking wet so it’s not uncomfortable when you take every single inch of my cock.” I don’t respond, I just breathe, staying focused on his fingers, trying to clench around them. “Eden,” he says warningly, “answer me.”

“Your tongue,” I grumble, annoyed he’s making me think and speak when I want to float away in the pleasure. “Or rub my clit. That’s the only way I can have an orgasm.”

His finger slows, then stops. He pulls away completely. “You’ve never had one from penetration?”

I shake my head. “I don’t think I can. It takes too long. None of my exes had the patience.”

The corners of Linc’s lips turn down as he bobs his head slowly. I see the challenge in his eyes. Dammit. The blinding ecstasy from his fingers was more than satisfying. I just want to go back to when he was touching me.

“Linc, please don’t.”

“Don’t what?”

I waggle my finger in his face. “Whatever is going through your head. I know men take it as a challenge, but I’ve tried before and it never works. I end up rubbed raw and sore. Then I just fake an orgasm anyway. I’m twenty-nine, I know my body by now. Trust me. Just give me your fingers again.”

He lets out a low hum and for a moment I think I’m about to get my way. But then he smiles…that wicked smile. “Wish I could, Bambi, but that sounds like a boundary to me, and we both know you want those pushed.”

I gripe in protest. “Linc—”

“What’s the safe word?”

I roll my eyes, both annoyed at my admission but also intrigued to find out if Linc’s the one to challenge what I know about myself. “You’re going to have to do more than ask if you want me to say it.”

“Good girl,” he says, drawing out the syllables. He wraps his hand gently around my throat and my heartbeat begins to race. I can literally feel the power in his large hand, all he’d have to do is squeeze. He could crush my windpipe with minimal effort. Linc could end my life right now.

In a moment of panic, I push his hand away. “Sorry, I like it. I just wasn’t expec—”

“Don’t be sorry.” He bites his lip, something hazy claiming his face. “It’s sexy when you fight back. Let her out tonight.”

“Who?” I ask.

He moans, his voice dropping to a low, rumbling growl. “That naughty little freak inside you who wants to come all over my cock.”

My world goes blurry when his sweet breath, filled with wine and mint, is so close I can taste it. I tap my throat. “Try it again, I’m ready now.”

“Later. I have another idea.”

Linc grabs my hand and pulls me off the couch before leading me down a long hallway. We enter the double doors to his bedroom, which, in line with what I’ve already seen of his home, is minimally furnished. No matter, there’s only one thing we need right now and it’s King-sized, plush-looking, and neatly made up. I suspect that’s about to change.

“I need to get something,” Linc says, before heading toward what I’m sure is his walk-in closet. He pauses and smirks at me over his shoulder. “If you want that pretty dress to stay in one piece, you better have it off before I get back.”



Eden looks alarmed when I return with two sets of handcuffs. I hardly notice because she’s down to her see-through thong and bra. A tornado could come through my bedroom and I wouldn’t notice while she’s in the room, almost naked, looking like this. I might be overestimating my self-restraint with what I’m about to suggest.

She nods to her dress that she draped neatly over my reading chair. “It’s my favorite dress.”

I lift one brow. “Well, it’s off your body, so I guess it gets to live another day.”

She doesn’t laugh at my joke because she’s staring at the cuffs in my hand. Looking nervous, she holds her elbows and rubs her bare feet anxiously against the wooden floor. I’m scaring her.