She turns around so her firm ass is against my softening cock. Playfully jiggling her hips against me, she says over her shoulder, “That soap bar is for hair too.” I lather up her long hair before rubbing the soap over her tits and stomach, washing away the last remnants of my cum.
“You are incredible.” I plant light kisses on the back of her neck and across her shoulders.
“Was that good?”
“The best I’ve ever had,” I assure her. And, not that I’d tell her, I’ve had quite a few. But no woman has ever made me feel like Dr. Eden Abbott does.
“Good, I’m glad.” The little vixen that lives inside of Eden is at peace for the evening. Her regular tone has returned and she sounds soft and weary. I think the excitement of the last twenty-four hours is finally catching up to her. She doesn’t need more sex, she needs rest.
I step out of the shower and fetch a towel we can share. I pat myself dry just so I’m not dripping before I cover her with the fluffy towel. These towels are too big for Eden, I could wrap her up once and then some, like a burrito.
“Put your arms around my neck.” I duck my head so she can reach. As soon as her hands lock together behind my head, I scoop her up, one arm under her thighs and the other beneath her shoulders. When we reach her bedroom, she points to the top dresser where I find her a pair of simple black underwear. She rustles the towel against her hair as I retrieve my briefs from the bathroom, and then we both tuck into bed, topless.
Moaning softly, she shifts backward, tightly into my embrace. “I haven’t slept next to someone in so long,” she murmurs. “I forgot how good this feels.”
I wrap my arm around her, enjoying the feel of her tits against my forearm and her soft skin against my chest.
“It does feel good,” I say into the crook of her neck. I listen as her breathing goes rhythmic and her body relaxes. Sleeping with a warm body beside me is indeed comforting.
It’s just the first time in my life I’ve ever done it.
I wake up alone, next to another note.
Well, a note of sorts. It’s my phone, lying on the unoccupied pillow next to me with an orange sticky note that reads: Call me when you wake up, with a phone number I don’t recognize.
I reach for my phone and quickly dial the number.
“Good morning, sleepy,” Linc answers on the first ring. His voice sounds echoey wherever he is.
“Good morning.” I sit up, feeling the cool air on my bare chest. I forgot I slept without a bra or shirt because I wasn’t chilly. Linc was my personal space heater last night, not to mention he spent the entire night cupping my breasts. Judging by his behavior in the bathroom at Martinis, I really thought he was an ass man…I stand corrected. “You ran out on me,” I tease.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “Emergency.” He doesn’t offer a further explanation.
“You know it’s funny, I didn’t really picture you with a cell phone.”
“Yeah, I sort of thought you’d be completely untraceable. Life in the shadows. Maybe you’d sleep with one eye open. Actually, I’m surprised you sleep, period.”
He laughs. “Do you think I’m a vampire?”
Maybe a little. A very sexy vampire. “Where are you?”
“Can’t say specifically, but I’m very high up.”
Suddenly the aroma of coffee hits my nose. I sniff around for a bit before I find the source—a traveler’s mug of coffee sitting on my nightstand. Peering through the lid, I see it’s light in color, fixed with cream and likely sugar.
“Did you make me coffee, Linc?” I press the speakerphone button and put the phone on the pillow beside me before collecting the mug in both hands before I take a sip. Mmmm, perfect. Still hot.
“I had every intention of being there when you woke up. I’m sorry, something came up—”
“Linc, if you say it’s an emergency, it’s an emergency. I appreciate the morning call though, and the coffee. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, but it’s not morning, Bambi.”