“He had me, he said that was enough. Plus, I’m sure he dated, he was just discreet about it. He never brought another woman into our lives. I think my mom was just…kind of incredible, you know? I don’t think he thought love existed outside of her.”
“That’s beautiful,” Cricket says with a lazy smile. I can sense her exhaustion and I feel a little guilty for keeping her awake with this conversation. “I want a man like that. I want to be someone’s one true love.”
“I find it hard to believe you can’t get a man.”
“Oh, I can get a man,” she assures me. “But I said true love. That’s trickier.” She winks. “But by the way, Linc isn’t your dad.”
“What?” I scrunch my brows in response to her awkward inference.
“Linc doesn’t have some long, lost love he can’t replace. I’ve known him for a long time. He’s never been in love.”
“Oh, well, that’s neither here nor there.”
She purses her lips and her forehead crinkles as she examines me. “I didn’t say he couldn’t fall in love, I’m just saying he hasn’t before.”
“Cricket…” I try my best to act indifferent. “It was just a question. Just my nosey curiosity.”
“Okay, nosey,” she says, then blows me a kiss. “Go away. Let me nap.”
I roll my eyes and leave my office, so Cricket can nap.
* * *
Here’s the funny thing about being the unofficial HR for a secret band of assassins who work above the law…
I am not above the law.
I still have to abide by the parking rules of the business complex.
I still get a boot clamped on my tire for leaving work at nine o’clock at night when the sign clearly says, “Free Parking Until 6:00 p.m.”
Glaring at the gray, company-issued SUV, I mentally scream, "Fuck my life!” I’m stuck. This is the last thing I want to deal with on a Friday evening.
I’m tired.
I'm so tired.
I should’ve paced myself at work, but I ignored good sense and blew well past my limits. My eyes are dry and aching. My back is stiff. My legs are jelly. I just want my bed.
The silver lining is that nowadays I actually have a friend I can call. Sure, I could Uber, but I much prefer Cricket’s company if she’s around.
Are you around by chance? I’m stuck at work. *tire emoji* *boot emoji*
I’ll give it twenty minutes. If she doesn’t text back by then, I’ll call for an Ub—
The voice comes from right behind me and my phone goes flying. The glass shatters as it collides with the concrete.
“Dammit!” I shriek and throw an accusing stare at Linc. “Why don’t you guys make noise when you walk? It’s freaking supernatural.”
He steps backward, eyes wide. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
Collecting my shattered phone—it’s clear it’s a goner—I press the power button anyway. Nothing. Just a blank, black screen.
I glance at Linc again, he looks worn. I haven’t seen him since Monday in the office. I went to find him twice since then, to thank him for the book and to apologize for basically trying to seduce him, but he’s been out of the compound all week.