Name? Hadn’t Krieger mentioned something about his real name before the first explosion? A prickling sensation danced up her spine.

Albert looked to the Others, then back to Eva, his face widening into a smile. “Right, I remember now, Cillian Beck.”

Krieger was still backing her toward the door until they reached the threshold, but at hearing his name, she stilled. No... no. This wasn’t real.

“You’re lying.”

The general moved to one of the Others, took his gun from his hands, and walked to the edge of the stage with it. “Afraid not, standing next to you is Cillian Beck. The next heir of Stone Haven.”

A knot formed in Eva’s stomach as she lifted her eyes to his. “Tell me it’s not true.”

“Angel, I can explain—”

She shook her head. “Is it true?”

He let out a breath. “Yes.”

She felt ill. All this time... she had trusted him and had—oh Mother Earth.

She swallowed the bile rising in her throat as more feral men ran down the bridge. Realization hit her—they were surrounded.

“As touching as this all is, I have a settlement to take over, and frankly, Cillian, I don’t appreciate you trying to stop me.” He cocked the gun as he said, “See you both in the next life.”

Time seemed to slow as the general raised his gun and took aim. The Others also raised their weapons.

In a breath, Cillian moved, twisting her to his front, his strong arms wrapping around her as he threw himself across the bridge and against the rail.

Gunfire erupted, and the railing broke under their weight. For a brief second, she felt weightless, then they were falling.

He pressed her closer to his chest, his words meeting her ear. “I’ve got you, Angel.”

She closed her eyes, the cold air rushing past them as they fell into the dark of the night.

Chapter 17

Cillian’s body hit the shingles of a roof. His grip loosened for a second on impact—one second too many—and Eva tumbled out of his hold and slid toward the edge.

He rolled, scrambling across the roofing, and reached for her arm.

She caught his hand just as her feet dug for purchase. The snow made everything slick, and they both slid closer to the fringe of the hut.

There was no use fighting gravity. Using his weight, he accelerated his descent and encircled her waist, then, with quick motions, lifted her onto his front once more.

She yelped. “What are you—”

Then they were falling again.

A breath later, his back hit a branch, jolting them. A moan escaped him as he gripped Eva tighter. Dirt, leaves, and snow flurried around them as his backside hit soundly into the landscape and began to roll. His arms scraped against bushes and stones as they continued to sweep down the incline.

He closed his eyes and held tight to the angel in his arms, until they came to a stop under the stilts of the settlement.

“Eva, are you okay?”

A groan met his ears. “I’ll live.”

He eased his arms off her back and lifted her hair off her face. With slow motions, he started pulling leaves and twigs out of her mane.

“Can you walk?” he asked.