Page 66 of Captivating Anika

“I don’t believe you had anything to do with Kim’s disappearance, Ms. Jones,” he mocks me. “But the fact remains you somehow have landed in the middle of this investigation, and I can’t for the life of me figure out how it all ties together.”

I snort. As if I can. I don’t know what the hell is going on.

“Well, it’s not like I have any answers for you.”

“Maybe not. But you were able to point out how insignificant those gloves are as a lead, which saves us valuable time. This is a big case I’ve been working for a long time, and sometimes frustration has me forget my bedside manner. I’m sorry for being abrupt with you.”

The apology is unexpected and has me sink back down in the chair I vacated.

“I appreciate that, but I do want to point out that what for you is a frustrating case, is in effect my life, which right now is completely out of control. My car is unsalvageable, my business is suffering, I had a knife to my throat less than twenty-four hours ago, and last night I gave someone a black eye in the throes of a terrifying nightmare.”

I press the heels of my hands against my forehead, trying to stave off yet another headache from growing.

“You’re right,” he concedes. “And so noted.”

Evans takes over and spends the next twenty or so minutes taking me over every step of yesterday’s attack one more time.

“You think of anything else, however insignificant, give me a call. And keep your eyes open, stay vigilant,” the detective instructs me as he walks me outside.

There we catch Hog, pacing the parking lot.

“You kept her long enough,” he blusters when we approach. He immediately claims me, tucking me to his side before adding, “Are you done with her now?”

Evans lifts his hands and opts not to respond, which is probably wise. I, on the other hand, have something to say. My trigger’s been tripped.

“Her is right here,” I point out, slipping out from under his arm. “Please don’t talk about me like I’m some piece of furniture. I’m done with overbearing men.”

I’m so done —with everything—I start walking, leaving those guys standing in the parking lot as I march down Rock Point Drive. I have no fucking clue how long of a walk this is going to be, but I need some air and some space.

I don’t get very far when Hog’s shiny new navy-blue Suburban pulls up alongside me.

“Come on, Anika. Get in,” Hog calls out through the open passenger-side window.

Ignoring him, I keep walking. If he thinks ordering me around is gonna get me in his truck, he’s sorely mistaken. Suddenly he accelerates and drives past me, only to pull up along the curb down the street. Then he gets out and waits for me on the sidewalk.

“Anika,” he starts when I’m within earshot, softly adding, “Please.”

“Please what?” I snap, mainly to counter the burn of tears in my eyes.

“Please let me apologize for being an overbearing ass.”

He looks so crestfallen; I feel instantly guilty. It’s not fair to make him pay the price of a collection of offenses from a variety of sources.

Once again, I find myself walking right into his arms, burying my face in his chest as I let go of the frustrated tears I’ve been holding.

“I’ve got you, Sweetheart,” he mumbles in my hair. “Always.”



“Careful you don’t overdo it.”

I shoot Franco a glare as I fit the last of this load of boxes in my truck. Last thing I need is him babysitting me.

“Thanks, Mother, but I’ll be fine. It’s just a few boxes. I’ve got a couple of the guys helping me with the bigger stuff on Sunday.”

Besides, I should have the all clear tomorrow when I see the doctor anyway. Then I’ll be back on the next rotation, which starts on Tuesday next week. It’ll give me a couple of days to get organized while Anika is at the salon, although I’m a bit conflicted about going back. As much as I miss my work, I’m not sure I feel comfortable leaving Anika alone the nights I’ll be on shift.