Page 6 of Captivating Anika

My father would probably turn over in his grave, but I couldn’t care less. If it had been up to him, the world would’ve stayed unchanged. He was allergic to progress and would’ve called the changes to the farm commie bullshit. He was a rigid man.

“That order for Farm Fare is ready, right? I was going to head into Durango to drop it off, is there anything you need?”

“Cooler is packed and I’m running low on coffee, if you wouldn’t mind picking some up.”

“Will do.”

We only have the one restaurant in Durango, and since I spend a lot of time in town, I deliver the occasional order.

The real reason I’m heading into town is to see if I can catch Anika before the salon opens. When I had my haircut last Tuesday, things were a little awkward and I haven’t had a chance to clear the air with her.

I walk over to my truck and scratch at what looks like a bit of mud on the front fender. Shit, more rust. I like this truck, it’s comfortable, and I was hoping maybe to get another few years out of it before I need to get something new.

But I do like that new Suburban on the lot of the GMC dealership in town I’ve been eyeing. Maybe I’ll stop in while I’m in town.

I get hung up for a few minutes when the owner of Farm Fare wants to discuss an upswing in business she’s seen, and the consequent need for additional product. The increased demand may be too much for the farm to handle right now, but I listen before suggesting I’ll get Franco to call her. At this point in time, I’m no more than a glorified delivery man who happens to still have his name on the business, but Franco makes the decisions about the future of the farm.

My next stop is the salon, but when I pull up to the curb in front, I see I’m already too late to catch her alone. She’s out front in a heated discussion with a guy who is getting in her face.

Hell no.

I’m out of the truck so fast, I don’t even see the cyclist I almost knock off his bike.

“Back the fuck off,” I bark as I approach the pair on the sidewalk.

I draw their attention long enough to insert myself between them, using my arm to maneuver Anika behind me.

“Who the fuck are you?” the guy slurs.

A wall of alcohol breath and bad body odor almost has me staggering back, but with Anika behind me, I stand my ground.

“Not your concern,” I inform him. “I need you to step back though.”

“Like hell I am. She’s got my wife in there!”

He tries to lean around me, poking his finger in Anika’s direction, but I quickly sidestep, blocking his way.

“Like I told you before, she’s not here, you asshole!” Anika fires back from behind me. “You’re a miserable, drunken excuse for a man, aren’t you? Taking out your own failure and frustrations by using your fists on a woman half your size?”

I’m half a foot taller than the guy, but he carries about twice the bulk, and I’m not skinny. The idea of him whaling on a woman has me grind my teeth. If not for Anika’s fingers digging into the arm I’m trying to hold her back with, I’d have swung at him myself. Unfortunately, calmer heads need to prevail or this could get out of hand fast.

“You’re drunk. You should go home, sleep it off,” I try.

It doesn’t surprise me when his response is to swing at me. Given his state, it doesn’t require much force to get him on his stomach on the ground, my knee firmly planted in his lower back to keep him from getting up again. I twist his arms behind him, immobilizing his flailing hands.

That’s how Bill Evans finds me a few minutes later, a big grin on his face as he saunters over, casual as can be. When Anika called the police, I expected a patrol car to show up, not a Durango PD detective.

“Taking up wrestling in your time off?” he razzes me.

“Haha. Did they put you back on patrol?”

He shakes his head. “You’re in luck, I happened to be in the neighborhood.”

“Hope you brought your handcuffs.”

He pulls them off his belt and quickly secures the drunk’s hands as I get to my feet. Then he looks past me at Anika. “This guy giving you trouble?”

“His name is Chris Cooper and he’s a piece of shit. He’s looking for his wife, who works here but isn’t in yet.”