As my gaze trails back up to her face, I find her stare already on mine. There are a million questions in her lifeless green eyes, probably wondering what happens from here. “When was the last time you drank water?” I ask. She needs to maintain her energy if she is going to keep up with the demanding lifestyle that’s about to be thrust upon her.
She visibly swallows. “I, umm . . . can’t be sure,” she says in a quiet tone. Though something tells me the moment she finds her comfort within my home, that quiet tone will morph into a fierce demand, and that’s exactly what’s required of a woman in my world.
I nod, and as if on cue, my driver silently hands me a bottle of water. I quickly uncap it before passing it to her. She slowly takes it from me, but there’s a strong hesitation in her eyes, wondering if she should trust me, but she sips on the water anyway. Her body is far too deprived to resist.
She keeps that penetrating gaze on me, clearly not trusting me, but I don’t expect her to. I’m not her savior, and I’m sure as fuck not her hero. As long as she’s clear in that understanding, we’ll be good.
Realizing just how long this trip home is going to be if she’s incapable of relaxing, I dig into the pocket of my suit jacket and curl my hand around a small bottle of pills. Pulling it out, I open the cap, and with every passing second, I feel her gaze like laser beams trying to penetrate right through me.
Tipping a single pill into the palm of my hand, I hold it out to her, my brow arched with expectation. Only she doesn’t submit to my will, she simply stares at my hand with trepidation. She shakes her head. “What is that?”
“Take it. It will help you relax.”
“I don’t need to relax.”
“Take the damn pill. I will not ask you again.”
She clenches her jaw, anger flashing within those fearful eyes. “Do you think I’m stupid?” she questions, somehow seeming offended. “I take that pill, and in a few hours, I’ll wake up to find you and your driver tag-team raping me. No thanks, I’ll pass.”
I take a deep breath, willing myself to calm down. It’s one thing to have her fear me because of who I am, but it’s another to have her fear me out of distrust or foolishness. Shit like that is how men get killed. “I do not believe you are stupid,” I tell her, spitting the words with venom. “But let me get one thing straight. If I want to fuck you, which I will, I won’t need to knock you out first. I will take it just as surely as those men back in that warehouse would have. However, you are in luck because, unlike those assholes, unconscious women are not my thing. What kind of man do you take me for?”
“As far as I’m concerned, you’re the kind of man who purchases women who’ve been kidnapped and trafficked, and honestly, I think that tells me everything I need to know about the kind of man you are,” she mutters, disdain clear in her tone.
Ahh. So she’s just as feisty as she appears. I like that. I wonder if she’ll be quite so forward with that mouth of hers when I’m fucking it.
“You are right to question me. I am not a nice man, so believe me when I say this. If you don’t take this pill in the next two seconds, I will physically force it down your throat. Take your pick. Do you care to discover what it means to be on my bad side, or will you play it smart and do everything within your power to remain in my good graces?”
Her eyes flare with fire as she reaches out and finally takes the pill from my palm, and as she places it on the end of her tongue and closes her mouth, she refuses to break eye contact. I can practically hear her screaming thoughts as they’re aimed at me like venom-laced arrows, but her intimidation tactics won’t work here. I appreciate her attempt though. It’s rare when somebody has the balls to argue with me, and honestly, it’s refreshing. Stupid, but certainly refreshing.
She lifts the bottled water to her lips, and I watch with a keen stare as she swallows the pill. It’s strong and will take effect in a matter of seconds, and as the pill begins to dissolve in the pit of her stomach, her brows furrow, no doubt already feeling the drowsiness.
She holds my gaze, confusion flashing in those green eyes. “What’s happening?” she asks, her body steadily growing heavier. “What . . . What is this? What did you give me?”
“Rest your pretty head, Sweet Angel,” I murmur. “It’s a long drive.”
And just like that, she’s out cold.
Her head lolls to the side against the headrest. As I reach over her, my arm skims across her blazing skin, and the unexpected contact unleashes a rapid current of excitement that courses through me. My brows furrow, pausing just a moment to look over her face before swiftly ignoring it. I work my hand down beside the chair and find the lever before gently pulling it and reclining her chair. The second she appears comfortable, I remove my suit jacket and drape it over her lingerie-clad body to keep her warm.
As I settle back into my seat and prepare for the long drive ahead, I can’t help but watch her. There’s an innocence there, a softness in her face that suggests perhaps before she was stolen by Ezekiel’s men, she might have had an easy life. Perhaps been a college student just going about her day, or maybe she was newly graduated and trying to figure out where she belongs in this cruel world—something she will never have the chance to discover, not if I have a say in it.
We’ve been on the road for almost an hour when the sound of an incoming call fills the silence of the cab, and I let out a heavy sigh. It’s already been a long day. The last thing I want to deal with is business, but when you’re in my position, the luxury of having a choice isn’t something I come across often.
Realizing my phone is still in my suit jacket, I lean toward my new prize and fish it out of the pocket before checking that she’s still out cold. She likely will be for another hour or so.
Turning my attention to the phone, I glance down to see my cousin’s name across the screen. Sergiu is my second-in-command, and he’s the closest thing I have to a brother. However, given the chance, he would rip my beating heart right out of my chest and take it all for himself. It’s just who we are, who our grandfather raised us to be, and because of that, I’m the most dangerous man walking this earth.
Friends close. Enemies closer.
My name is Killian DeLorenzo, and I am the head of the DeLorenzo Mafia, a position I have more than earned. I am ruthless. Unforgiving. And because of this, our reputation has flourished with fear. Our competitors don’t stand a chance as long as I stand at the head of my family. And Sergiu? While he might be foolish enough to challenge me, he knows I’m his best chance of survival.
“What do you want, Sergiu?” I growl, frustrated that this rare moment of peace has been disturbed. “Do you have any idea what time it is?”
“Sorry, Killian. I thought it was best you heard this from me.”
“There’s been a raid on our warehouse downtown. The place is a mess.”