“Fuck, that woman has always been such a petty bitch.”
My brow arches, a little shocked at the words that just came tumbling out of his mouth. I’ve heard the filthiest things a man could ever say from him behind locked doors, and I’ve seen the brutal evidence of what he’s capable of in the name of protecting his family, but I’ve never quite heard him like that.
When speaking of his family, Killian always does so with high regard and respect, but now that Monica has shown her cards and her loyalty has been questioned, there’s not even a scrap of respect left for her.
I can’t lie, now that Monica has taken this bullshit so much further than a scrappy fight in a too-small bathroom, the idea of justice is suddenly a little more thrilling.
Darkness surrounds me as I stare up at my bedroom ceiling, finding it impossible to sleep. Today was a mess, and as a result, there’s still fire pulsing through my veins.
A hitman was hired to take me out.
Like what the actual fuck? I’m just me. A nobody. I shouldn’t be important enough to anyone to warrant the need for a hitman. All I want from life right now is to live it up in my new husband’s mcmansion and let him fuck me every way his incredible mind can possibly come up with. And yet, I’m being assaulted in bathrooms and shot at through the kitchen window. Not to mention Sergiu’s belief that he’s welcome into my room any damn time he likes.
How has this become my life?
I toss and turn, not able to silence the havoc inside my mind, but along with the havoc comes the memories of Killian’s determination to protect me, and honestly, I’ve never been so turned on in my life. I shouldn’t want him the way that I do. I shouldn’t crave his touch, but the mere idea that he ran out into those bushes and risked his life just to save mine is something I can’t ignore.
For the twentieth time tonight, I consider throwing myself out of my bed and going in search of the man in question and demanding that he fuck me until I can’t possibly scream any longer. Yet, despite knowing that he would give me exactly what I need, something is keeping me from getting out of my bed.
Physically, Killian and I are the best match this planet has ever seen. Our bodies work together so damn well it’s intoxicating and has quickly become my fiercest addiction. But emotionally, we still have a long way to go. Today has proven that I can trust him with my life, that if I were in danger, he’s the one person I can rely on, but what about everything else? Can I trust him not to destroy me? Not to break my heart? Not to lie to me? That, I don’t know.
Frustration claims me, and I let out a long groan as I clench my thighs, desperately trying to relieve the ache, but it’s impossible. There’s only one person who could possibly give me what I need. On second thought, there is a fully stocked drawer of toys right here by my bed, and it’s not as though he put them there as a space filler. They were intended to be used, and honestly, I wouldn’t want to offend him by simply ignoring the marvelous gift he’s offered.
A sly grin pulls at my lips, excitement already pounding through my veins at finally getting the release I’ve been needing, and while I know it couldn’t possibly compare to how Killian does it, it will at least get the job done. I hope.
Rolling over, I dive into my bedside drawer and blindly feel around for one of my vibrators. As much as I’d love to take advantage of one of those silicone cocks, that calls for a lot of energy . . . and probably a bit of acrobatics, but tonight, all I want is to relax.
Digging past all the silicone, I finally find one of the smaller vibrators in the bottom. Pulling it out, I roll back and get comfortable on my bed before reaching beneath the blanket and shimmying out of my underwear.
A hunger pulses through me, but knowing just how close I am to finally relieving the ache, my body begins to calm. My feet drag up the mattress as I bring my knees a little higher before finally spreading my thighs.
My pussy pulses with anticipation, and as I close my eyes and tilt my head back, I clutch the small vibrator and feel around for the button. Placing it against my clit, my brows furrow. It doesn’t exactly feel like the vibrators I’m used to. It’s not very soft against my skin or accommodating to a woman’s shape, but there were a lot of things in that drawer I’d never seen before, and who am I to decide it’s not worthy before even giving it a try?
With images of Killian dancing through my mind, my finger presses down over the button and a loud zapping noise fills the air in the same instant as a blood-curdling scream tears from the back of my throat. Pain booms through my pussy as volts of electricity penetrate my skin.
The agony is like nothing I’ve ever known, and I tear my hand away as fast as humanly possible. “FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK,” I scream.
The door barges open and Killian comes racing in, the room quickly filling with light. “What?” he rushes out, his eyes wild as they bounce around the room, searching for a threat, but the only threat is the fucking Taser laying by my hip. “What happened? What’s wrong?”
I cry out as the sudden rush of electricity leaves me gasping for air. “I . . . FUCK,” I cry out. “I TASERED MY FUCKING PUSSY!”
His brows furrow as he stares at me, looking as though he doesn’t comprehend a single word I’ve said. “You did what to your pussy?”
“I Tasered it, Killian! My pussy. I thought it was a vibrator. I shoved my hand into the drawer and pulled it out because I was trying to avoid riding you all night, and NOW MY FUCKING PUSSY IS BURNING!”
I cry as I scoot to the edge of the bed, but each movement is excruciating. “Holy shit. Make it stop.”
Killian strides toward me, a smirk resting on his stupidly gorgeous face. “Your pride is that important to you that you’d prefer to fuck yourself with a Taser than to walk the ten feet to my door and take what you really need?”
“Really?” I demand, my eyes filling with tears of pain as I attempt to glare at him, though to be honest, I don’t think the message is getting across. “You want to give me a lecture right now?”
Killian laughs, and if I weren’t in so much agony, I might even take a moment to linger on how smooth it sounds and how it somehow manages to heal something within me. It suits him in the best way, and while I want to throttle him for laughing at me right now, I can’t deny how his laugh makes him seem so carefree. I bet he’s the kind of man who doesn’t laugh often, and the idea of getting to be someone who can give him that . . . well damn. There were a lot of things I wasn’t expecting to get out of this relationship, and that certainly wasn’t one, but now that I know what it feels like, I don’t ever want to let go.
He reaches the side of my bed and kneels down to meet my stare. “Are you okay, Angel?”