“Beautiful,” Daddy murmured, patting her bottom gently. “I can’t wait to watch you do it again, with both your little holes full of us.”
Oh, god. What had she gotten herself into?
* * *
Jesse’s quiet whimper had his cock jumping in response. There was nothing like those sounds his girls made to get him hard as a fucking rock.
Though watching Edie fuck their babygirl’s bottom with a dildo certainly hadn’t helped matters. As he’d watched Jesse’s tight little hole open for the fake cock, the ring of muscle turning nearly white as it stretched to accommodate the rubber, all he could think about was how badly he wanted it to be his own cock stretching her, filling her.
And now it was finally his turn.
“Why don’t you go get yourself ready, little pixie, and I’ll finish getting our girl ready for our second surprise.”
Excitement lighting her eyes, Edie scrambled off the bed and stripped. Grant slowly pulled the dildo from Jesse’s limp form and set it off to the side.
“Come on, babygirl. Let’s get you out of these clothes.”
She whined some more as he stripped her naked. Probably because he took every opportunity he could to touch her, and after the orgasm she’d just had she was likely feeling very sensitive all over.
Especially her pretty little nipples, which called to him as he tossed her bra to the side. Cupping her breasts in his hands, he pinched the soft buds between his fingers, hard enough to have her arching up into his touch with a cry.
“Daddy, no!”
“Poor baby. Does that hurt?”
“Yes,” she answered with a pitiful little sniffle. “Lots.”
“Well, maybe if you ask nicely, Mommy will kiss them and make them feel better.”
Mommy. The word still felt odd on his tongue, but he was getting used to it. There was a connection there, between Mommy and Daddy, stronger than what he’d felt with Edie before. Whether it was the word itself or the fact she’d finally agreed to be theirs forever, he wasn’t sure. But he could feel it, like a physical bond between them, growing stronger with every passing second.
“I’d like that very much.” Edie’s voice was deeper than usual, rough with unslaked need as she knelt on the other side of the bed. A thick cock, larger and even more lifelike than the one they’d used earlier, jutted out from her mound. It was attached to the harness wrapped around her upper thighs, and she’d been practicing with it in secret for almost a week for this very purpose.
Turning her head, Jesse gasped at the sight. “What’s going on?”
“I told you, babygirl.” A wicked grin curved Edie’s lips. “Daddy and I are going to fill both your sweet little holes. You’re going to take him in your bottom, while you take me in your pussy. How’s that sound?”
“Um. It sounds like I’m not sure how the hell both of you are supposed to fit inside me.”
“You let us worry about that,” Grant said, giving her nipples another hard pinch. “Your body was made for us. Made for this. We’ll fit. You just have to be a good girl and take everything we give you. Can you do that for us, baby?”
“I’ll try, Daddy.”
“Good girl. Lay down on your side, facing Mommy.”
When he released her, she rolled onto her side as instructed, one leg slung over Edie’s hip as Edie worked the thick cock into her pussy. Thanks to the orgasm they’d given her, she didn’t seem to struggle to take it all the way inside her.
He watched, fascinated and so filled with love he thought he might burst as they moved together, each getting used to the unfamiliar angles and movements.
His babygirl. His pixie. His women. It was still somewhat shocking to him that he not only got to love one but both of these incredible women, and he promised himself then and there he would do whatever it took to keep their little family together.
And then Edie looked up with him, and he saw his own raw emotion reflected in the dark depths of her eyes. “Are you going to join us, Daddy?”
Taking his spot behind Jesse, he gripped his painfully hard cock in his hand and guided it toward her bottom hole. “Hold her still for me, pixie.”
“Yes, Daddy.”