We will end the Grigori.
And then we will show the world how it should be.
Gabby struggles to ward off the relentless voice. But it’s not just in her mind, it’s in her veins. Filling her. Fueling her.
Making her stronger than she ever imagined.
She battles to maintain control, now knowing that all the promises the obsidian has made up until now have been a lie. The obsidian wants total control.
So it can turn the three realms into its dark image.
“Gabby! Gabby!”
At first, Colt’s voice feels like it’s far away. But then she can feel hands gripping her arms, then hear the roar of wind he’s shouting over.
Her eyes fly open, registering the chaos in the room. The books and chairs scattered around are now whipping around the room like they’re caught in a whirlpool. The table is overturned. Colt’s hair is a tangled mess even as his eyes fill with relief.
The moment Gabby lowers her arms, everything stops. Thuds hit the ground just as the door is thrown open. Blaise and Sierra rush in, looking panicked. One glance at Gabby and they halt. Sierra’s hand flutters to her throat as her gaze falls on the Spear of Destiny.
Blaise’s mouth forms a thin line. “It is done.”
Gabby brings the Spear into her line of sight. It looks the same.
Yet totally different.
The silver length with its intricate scrolling hasn’t changed. Its weight and length are just as before. It’s the tip that’s now altered.
A black stone is now melded into the leaf-shaped tip, shimmering with onyx energy.
The Spear and the obsidian are one.
And it's hers.
So it begins.
Gabby tenses acknowledging in that respect, the obsidian is right.
Her gaze falls on her friends, then settles on Colt. "Get ready for war."
She’s never felt more powerful. More invincible.
More unstoppable.
But there’s one thing the obsidian’s wrong about. It won’t control her.
She won’t let it.
The entire world is exploding around Colt. Books are flying, the table blasts away from them. Gabby’s eyes are closed, her hands raised, and he sees the instant in which the obsidian leaves her hand and molds itself in the center of the spear tip. Suddenly, the silver leaf is now jet black, looking sharper than ever. The glass edge of the leaf is so thin that it sparkles with its deadly desire to reap destruction.
“Gabby! Gabby!” He stumbles forward, fighting the gushing power like a tidal wave. Can she hear him? Is she lost to him? He grabs her arms from behind, shaking her, desperation making his mind spin. In the split second it takes for her to snap out of it, every possible scenario in which he loses his angel passes before his mind’s eye.
Gabby’s arms jerk, lower slightly, and the power emanating from her cuts off like a light switch. Colt’s breathing hard, swallowing his fears, but when Gabby turns and opens her eyes, they’re jet black. They are the obsidian itself, a mirror into her soul of what activating the Primordial Darkness and the Spear has done.
Colt is bent to her line of sight, waiting for her to come back to him when Blaise and Sierra burst through the room in a panic. They look at Colt, then Gabby, then the Spear. He hears one of them say, “It is done,” but he refuses to take his eyes away from Gabby.