I smile, but Clayton’s forehead is scrunched up as if his mom and I are talking in code.

“But it gets him out of our life,” I finish.

Clayton shrugs. “Cool.”

“That’s it?” Gillian asks, mouth gaping.

Clayton stands and grabs his phone. “I don’t want any part of him, and whatever gets him away from”—he looks between me and his mom—“us is good with me.”

Gillian nods. “All right then.”

“I’m heading to my room.” He walks toward the hallway but stops and turns around. “Thanks, Ben.”

Gillian’s eyes widen.

I give him a nod. “You’re welcome.”

Clayton leaves, and I release my first full breath since Gillian and I stopped talking.

Then I stand. “I’m going to go now. Brooks said he’s in some hotel on the outskirts of town.”

“I should go with you.” She stands and goes to get her purse.

“Sorry, but no, you shouldn’t. I understand that we make decisions together, but I’m asking you, Gillian, to allow me to do this. I have Jude and Emmett ready to go with me. I don’t want you anywhere near him.”

She holds her purse to her body. “Okay. Thanks, Ben.”

I relax a little that she has the confidence to trust me to handle this. “You don’t have to thank me. This is for us, right?” My question is to see where we stand.

“Yes. Let’s find a time to talk.”

“I’ll call you.”

She nods.

I walk out the door feeling as though we have to put Waylon behind us before we can move forward. At least she’s opened the door for me to step back in.

Chapter Thirty


I go out to start my car, but it won’t turn over.

“What the heck?”

I pop the hood, but who am I kidding? I know nothing about cars.

“Hey, Gilly Be!” Emmett pulls up along the curb.

I look around. “Why are you on my street?”

“I just came from someone’s house.” He puts his finger to his lips. “Our secret.” He winks and laughs in his usual contagious chuckle. “When are you going to forgive my brother?”

I shake my head. “We’re meeting for dinner tonight.”

“Ah. Then you’re going to go at it like rabbits. He’s really been hitting it in the shower lately.”

It will take a special lady to deal with Emmett and how he doesn’t think before he opens his mouth.