As always, Laurel has given me a lot to think about.
I’m lying in bed when a text message pops up on my phone.
Want to go for a drive?
It’s eleven-thirty and Clayton’s asleep.
Just come outside. Trust me.
I throw the covers off and get out of bed, peeking out the window. Ben’s truck is there, but he’s not in it. And there’s a sheriff’s car. What the hell is going on?
Sliding into my flip-flops, I open the door. Ben’s all smiles in shorts and a new Willowbrook Wildcats T-shirt.
“Hey, Gillian,” Brooks says next to Ben.
He’s dressed in shorts, no shirt with his Sheriff vest. “Brooks.” I nod.
He blows out a breath, staring blankly at me.
“Brooks will sit in the house in case Clayton wakes up,” Ben says.
“You will?” I ask Brooks.
“Apparently.” He rolls his eyes.
“I got you a coffee and a dozen donuts.” Ben shoves them into his chest.
“You’re an asshole.” He cradles the coffee and opens the box. His eyes light up. “Oh, Boston cream.”
“Ready?” Ben asks, ignoring his poor friend who has to sit on my couch while I go make out with Ben somewhere.
“I feel bad,” I say.
Ben takes my hand. “He’s fine. Right, Brooks?”
“What if he wakes up?” Brooks looks downright frightened by the thought.
“He’s not an infant,” Ben says.
“He’s a heavy sleeper,” I assure him and let Ben pull me away.
Brooks steps in and looks around space as if he’s conducting a raid.
I climb into the cab of Ben’s truck and slide next to him, wanting to be close. I kiss the side of his neck, and he wraps his arm around me, pulling me even closer. I am so head over heels for this man.
We drive through town, and he takes me to the spot he took me for breakfast. The moon shines down on the hills, reflecting off the small lake. He backs up, and we go around to the truck bed, laying a blanket down in it.
Being eager, I climb up and lie down before him. He bends down, kisses me, and falls to his back, tucking his arm along my side as I curl into him. The sky is clear, filled with a million stars.
“It’s beautiful,” I say.
I slide my cheek along his chest and look up at him, our eyes meeting. “I love you.”
“I love you.” His fingers graze my arm, causing shivers in the warm night air. “Gill?”
The tone he’s using is the same as when he told me he was going to Clemson. My body stiffens, and he runs his fingers down my arm again.