My fingers graze her back. Although I love having her this close, I’d love a slow dance so her body could be pressed against mine.
After we’ve made a couple of circles, we get into the groove. The scene is romantic, with the string lights illuminating the floor and the dark star-filled sky above us. Gillian’s beauty still holds me captive, but she’s no longer that innocent girl I fell head over heels for. Life has matured her, and I missed it all.
“I’m sorry, Gillian.”
She shakes her head. “No more sorrys.”
“I’m done with us regretting things and feeling bad for what we did to one another when we were young. You’re here now. I’m here now. And I know we don’t know what the future holds and it’s scary, but it has always been you for me. I’m sure people think I’m stupid, but I’m exhausted from fighting my feelings for you.”
God damn. Is this it? Is this the moment she gives me an in? I try to downplay my enthusiasm so I don’t scare her off. “You’ve always been the mature one out of the two of us.”
She tips her head toward me. “So no more sorrys, okay?”
“What are you saying, Gillian?”
She remains quiet for another circle around the dance floor, and I think maybe she’s not going to answer.
“I’m saying…” She looks around, but no one can overhear us with the music. “Let’s see where this goes.”
“As far as?”
“Do I really have to spell it out, Noughton?”
“Really?” Hope stirs inside me.
“But.” Her eyes scan the area again. “I’m not ready for it to be public. We need to take it slow.”
That I can handle. I’ll take her any way she’ll let me. I stop us from dancing, grab her hand, and drag her off the dance floor.
“Where are we going?”
I take her back to the table. “Pick up your beer and pretend we’re taking a break.”
Once all eyes have left us, I take her hand again and step back, leading her into the darkness. I stop when we reach the far side of the barn, where a small light shines down. I put one of my hands on the wooden barn above her head and my other one on her waist, peering down at her.
She lifts her head to stare into my eyes. “What are you doing?”
“I’m going to kiss you.” I don’t want to push her too fast, but after that conversation, I’m starved to feel her lips against mine.
“Friends don’t kiss.”
“Friends shouldn’t wear dresses like this if they don’t want to be kissed.”
She opens her mouth and shuts it.
“Besides, we just agreed that we’re now more than friends. I think we can strip the word friends from our vocabulary, no?”
“You’re talking too much.” She grips my shirt with her hands and tugs me down.
I hold her waist, tugging her against me as my lips meet hers. Just like everything when it comes to Gillian, I lose myself.
Chapter Sixteen
Ben grabs my waist, pulling me toward him. I fist his T-shirt and tug him closer. His eyes search mine as everything else blurs around us. I’m desperate to feel the softness of his lips. Our lips collide, and Ben takes control, slowing our pace. He glides his tongue along the seam of my mouth, seeking permission. I open, and we both groan when our tongues tangle.