Dropping my head, all I could do was shake my head smiling. Looking up into all of the cheering faces, my chest tightened with gladness. Not only was Quest here but so were my parents and my three other brothers Kameron, Kandon, and Paxton. A few of my frat brothers, guys from the gym and the small group of friends that I did have were amongst the crowd.
“Shoot, we missed the surprise part.”
Turning around and seeing Natalie and her brother Hendrix standing there, another frat brother, I smiled even harder. Seeing her here made all of this make sense. I remember when I told her last month that Quest was coming into town she started asking questions about what day he was coming and so forth.
“I should’ve known you were up to something when you started questioning me.” Grabbing her dainty hand, I pulled her my way and hugged her. “Thank you, Nat. I really appreciate you doing this for me.”
I wasn’t big on hugging people but when it came to Nat, I gave them as often as she let me. So much about her troubled me. From the far away look in her eyes to the brightness missing from her smile. It’s like she’s a hollow shell of the vibrant bubbly girl that once housed her body.
Two years ago something happened. Not even her brothers knew because she kept it tight lipped. I tried to step in and avenge her sorrows but she wouldn’t utter a name. I even went so far as to bring Andrea in to talk to her. They spoke for eight hours and not once in that conversation did she give Drea a name or say what happened.
After Andrea, I brought in Aziza and Bishop. The same thing happened. A long conversation with no lead to what happened. Even Bishop could see the turmoil pouring all over her. He swore to help her. Swore that he’d make sure no one else would hurt her again but Nat kept hushed about it.
My last resort. My gold card.
I brought in Quest.
He succeeded where we all failed. He knew what I was going to ask of him before I called. His spiritual gifts ran laps around mine. On a turnaround flight, he came and got the answers yet she swore him to secrecy and he upheld that vow.
But still, even now, this wasn’t the Natalie that would sing her heart out off-key randomly or the woman who had baking wars with her brothers.
I saw the pain in her eyes without having to know what happened. There were many times I’d be in the middle of teaching and these emotions of sadness and grief would consume me to the point I had to step out of my classroom to collect myself. I’d come back in and there she’d be curled up in a corner looking off into nothingness.
Somebody hurt her.
Nat was hurting so damn bad and there was nothing any of us could do.
Every day she sat in my classroom, I made it my business to reassure her because of the visions Quest shared with me about her future… I couldn’t stomach that outcome for her. Six months ago I got some hope when she told me that she was moving in with Hendrix. Said she wanted to be close to her favorite person but I knew it was deeper than that.
She wanted his protection.
She wanted to feel safe.
She wanted to heal.
“You deserve it, Q. You do a lot for those kids and it’s time for someone to give you your flowers.” And that she did. She handed me a single rose.
Stepping aside to let her brother through, Hendrix and I shook hands. “Now I ain’t giving you no roses but I got you courtside tickets to the Heat game.” He handed me an envelope. “Congratulations, Frat.”
“Thanks, man, I appreciate it.”
“Look at my baby. Four years in a row.” I cringed at her fake excitement. “Did you think we’d miss celebrating you, son?” Handing Nat my gifts, I turned and took in my mother. Inhaling her vanilla and citrus scent, I closed my eyes and exhaled.
Part of me didn’t want to embrace her and from the hesitation swimming around her eyes, she knew how I felt too. The other part of me did want to. At the end of the day, she’s my mother. It’s been six months since I last saw my family. I spoke to my dad and brothers often. But my mom… it’s never been that type of relationship between us.
Ignoring those voices in my head I hugged her. “Thank you for coming, Ma.” Her hair muffled my voice. For a while, she and I stood there hugging.
I was never a mama’s boy. The reason being, she wasn’t a good person. I noticed that fresh out of the womb. Most babies cling to their mothers. I wasn’t that type of child. She barely held me because I cried whenever she touched me. Wouldn’t eat if she tried to feed me. Never slept if she tried to hold me or if my crib was anywhere near her.
She had a wicked spirit and I wanted no parts of it.
When the doctor cleared her after six weeks, she went back to work and my dad went on maternity leave. He raised me and she lurked in the shadows. I was the weird baby growing up and I didn’t care what people thought.
“Uh, mother can we greet our brother?” The cool kid of the Reid clan tickled her sides, making her arms fall from my neck. Once she was out of his way Kameron grabbed me by the shoulders, looked like he was a proud parent, and hugged me. “I taught you well, young grasshopper. You’re about to…”
“Man, move before you start giving him one of your theological speeches.” Shoving Kameron out the way, our eldest brother Kandon Jr. handed me a black gift bag that I happily received and hugged me. “Congratulations, Q.”
Next came Paxton. “Big Bubba. I’m proud of you.” He and I hugged.