Page 101 of Lost In London

Please don’t let this man ask me if I’d do something that would have me wearing the same color but in a woman’s penitentiary. The only white I planned on wearing anytime soon was my wedding dress.

“Live your life to its fullest potential.” I sat back stunned. “Nat has always been a big dreamer. She wanted to accomplish so much and she was on the path to having her dreams come true.” Seeing him fight to keep his emotions under control had me wanting to reach over and hug him. “Live your life without fear. Live your life like it… like it’s your last. And if ever you need anything, send the message through Quincey. Take care of yourself and don’t be afraid of letting Quincey love you. He’s one of the good ones that God only makes every time he needs to balance out the evil in this world.” He stood just as the door opened.

“I promise to do my best,” I hiccuped, trying not to cry.

“Hey, London.” Sojourn walked in with Quest right behind him.

Stepping out of the room I started giggling seeing Luna sitting against the wall pouting. “Friend, what’s wrong? Who put you in timeout?”

“I did.” Sojourn stood in the doorway glaring at her. “Be gone from that spot when I get out and see what happens. Sit there and don’t say a word.” Calm and mellow, he gave his promise and went to go talk to his cousin.

“Aren’t you tired of testing that man’s patience?” Sometimes I wondered what was going through her head. I’m starting to really think that she felt she had something to prove. With her father potentially having complete control of Florida and all of the Kalmin other territory once Cassian and his brother’s retired, I wonder if she’s doing all of this to show her father she could stand beside him in the business.


That would make more sense to her crazy shenanigans.

Biting her lip, she looked all around before whispering, “I’m in deep shit. I fucked up.”

When didn’t she fuck up?

“What did you do?” Even Quest was waiting with interest to hear what she’d done.

“I… I-I found out about Donovan’s past victims. The victims that haven’t been named either out of confidentiality or because no one has linked them to him.” My heart dropped to my toes and Quest stiffened. “I tried, London, I really did try to mind my business but I was sucked down this rabbit hole and what I found was disgusting.”

As long as she didn’t mention…

“General Patrick Sommers is a monster.” Lord, no.

“Luna, maybe…” I tried to get her to stop talking but she just kept rambling.

“Richard Dubri paid him millions to keep quiet about what Donovan did to his daughter Dove.” I became so afraid watching Quest shake with rage. Luna was so intrigued with her information that she wasn’t even paying attention to the threat right in front of her. “Then I remembered when the story broke about the Jane Doe all those years ago and I put it together. It was that Dove girl. I tried to just sit and let the cards fall where they lay but I couldn’t. He needed to be exposed so I sent the information to my contact at CNN and…”

“Luna!” I yelled. “Please shut up.”

“Oh shit.” She gasped as Quest tossed the small end table across the room, breaking it into a thousand wooden pieces.

“What the hell is going on out here?” Sojourn ran out with Hendrix right behind him. Seeing Quest’s disposition, him leaning his head against the wall breathing like a raging bull punching the cement wall with his bare hands, it wasn’t hard for him to figure out what had happened.

So that’s why he told her to sit and be quiet.

“What is wrong with you?” Sojourn barked, making her and I both jump. Cool, calm, and collected Sojourn exited the building.

“Don’t yell at me, I was only sharing what I had done. It’s not like they aren’t going to find out. The story airs in less than two hours, Sojourn. Chill the fuck out.” I swear my friend was as dense as they came.

Chuckling angrily, Hendrix shook his head walking over by Quest. “London, text Quincey and tell him to come and get Quest. You won’t be able to calm him down. And as for you,” He pinned his lethal stare on Luna. “Your vigilante acts of service are going to get you killed.”

In a matter of seconds, our private visitation room became chaotic. Quest was livid. You could tell he was restraining himself from hurting Luna but his eyes had sent her to an early grave. Quincey had been waiting for us in the parking lot but after I texted him just like Hendrix told me to, he too was furious with Luna once he found out why his brother was on the verge of turning that room into a bloodbath. Before going back to his cell, Hendrix told Sojourn that he should’ve listened when he told him that messing with Luna would cause him more grief than happiness. By the time Quincey got Quest in the truck and Sojourn had called Pacino to pick up his child, I had the biggest headache and wanted to slap Luna from here to Africa.

“I can’t believe him.” She sucked her teeth texting fast on her phone. “So every time I do something to piss him off he’s going to call my dad? I’ll rather be single than deal with a man that…”

“A man that is more concerned with your safety than you are.” Pacino glared down at his daughter, who all of a sudden started pouting when he came around. “Do you understand the ramifications of what you did, Luna? Did you ever take into consideration how this would affect Dove? Before you sent the story to your little connect, did you make sure that Dove was protected just in case Donovan came after her?”

“No.” She spoke to the ground.

“I know you didn’t because once again you and your pride got you doing dumb shit.” Pacino wasn’t happy at all.

“But, daddy…”