Page 92 of Lost In London

While the men went out to gather information about the incident, we were on house arrest. Unable to leave Amell’s house, make any phone calls, or anything. Now, days later the men had summoned us. This wasn’t how I expected my first introduction of Sojourn to be. Based on what Luna told me about him and how he was so much like her father, it was hard at first to visualize this tall, slim dude wearing glasses and soft eyes being menacing like Pacino.

But then he sat down in front of her. You couldn’t hear a peep out of Luna. She sat fidgeting on the verge of tears. Those soft, pretty brown eyes of his became a different shade of brown. His lips hadn’t moved but his eyes said so much. They were lethal and sinister.

Luna messed up.

We messed up.

“You did more than enough. Did it ever occur to either of you that you’ve been spotted while sitting there?” Shit. I didn’t think that far. She opened her mouth to reply but he gave her a glare so chilling that I shrunk back in my seat. “I dare you to fix your lips and ask me how I would know that.”

Amused that his daughter had met her match, Pacino sat down snickering. “I’m too old for this shit. Ain’t nothing for me to do. He got it.”

Yes, indeed Sojourn did have it and her.

“Okay, we were there. Y’all know that but so what? We didn’t kill him. That man did.” Luna wasn’t understanding. Or maybe she did and didn’t want to admit that there was a hole in her plan and we’d been seen when we weren’t supposed to.

Flicking his nose, Sojourn brushed a hand over his waves, looking like he wanted to say a whole lot more to her but refrained from doing so out of respect for her dad being present. “Only because he beat you to it.” He stood pulling out his ringing phone. “I told you to stand down. Told you not to get involved. Told you that I had it but you’re constantly doing things like you have something to prove.”

I wanted to comfort my friend but I made the mistake of looking to my left and found Cassian glaring at me like I committed the worst crime in the world. I hated when those I loved were disappointed in me. It broke my heart and made me feel low.

Leaning down until his face was mere inches from hers, he placed his hands on each side of her and started questioning her. “Who is your man, Luna?” Blinking wildly, she licked her lips before looking over at me and then her daddy. “Don’t look at them. I’m the one talking to you.”

I had to tuck my lips in to keep from laughing. I saw her thighs clench together. That type of energy and authority her man was giving, not at all concerned about the other men in the room.

I understand, Lulu. I understand.

“You are.” She spoke soft and confident.

“And as your man, what is my main job? My main priority when it comes to you?”

She swallowed, rotating her neck blowing out a slow, long breath. “To protect me.”

“So if you know this then why do you keep acting as if I can’t do my job?”


Huffing, her stubborn demeanor quickly changed as she got in his face. “None of y’all were doing your job. It’s been a year and a half. Why was he still breathing? A dude called me a bitch and threw a drink at my car because I may have cut him off in traffic. Daddy, you had him eating out of a straw by that night. I don’t understand why this situation is different. Are y’all scared of the Dubri family or something?”

I flinched at her accusation.

Damn, Luna. You didn’t have to go that low.

“This is different, Luna. Y’all weren’t thinking.” Pacino sighed, rubbing his tired red eyes.

“Oh, so now I’m stupid?” This girl was on one.

“Yes.” Sojourn admitted silencing her to a wide mouth. “If you were anybody else y’all would’ve been dead right now. Witnesses never live, Luna. No face, no case. That’s child play shit that you should know.”

“So why were we spared?” She asked the question I’ve been wanting to know.

Fed up with her lack of understanding, Sojourn walked to the door but stopped and entertained her one last time. “Because he’s my cousin.” Her and I both gasped. “He killed Elgin and Wayne because his sister Natalie committed suicide the day before. Hendrix is the one that found her.” Oh my God. “Wayne did the same thing Elgin did to London. She left a long note sharing the details. She never told any of us until she could find the strength to do so in death.” He walked out.

“Our anger is warranted.” Amell stood before me and Luna. “Had Hendrix been anybody else like Sojourn said, both of you would’ve been dead. The same way you had people working for you, Luna. Thinking that they were putting things in motion to cover your tracks. Hendrix was also watching you because you were watching his target. Had he not recognized you, y’all would’ve been dead in that car before he even approached Elgin. That’s where our anger comes from. Trying to handle things on your own caused you to be placed wide open. If your men were as skilled as you thought they were, they would’ve known Hendrix had men following you.”

We were so stupid.

I knew I should’ve just gone to Cassian like I wanted to but Luna made us playing Charlie’s Angels sound so much better and rewarding handling it ourselves.

Amell’s dark eyes shifted my way and I wanted to pee on myself. “I’m surprised by you the most, London. You were given an order to not act. Disobedience has repercussions regardless if the target was hit by someone else. I hope you’re ready for that.” He walked out leaving me trembling in shame and fear.