I wanted to see so I followed right behind him. Quest and I took a side next to him. It took a minute for me to see exactly what he wanted to show us. He had a beautiful backyard with an Olympic sized pool and mango trees not too far. His backyard stretched miles and miles. There were three large dogs sitting next to…
“What the hell is that?” An object hung on fire from one of the massive trees off to the left. The dogs stood there guarding it, black and gray smoke polluting the air.
“How did you find him?” Quest inquired, making my neck snap towards him.
“That’s a person?” What the hell.
“My cousin Sojourn found him in less than thirty minutes. That punk ass Donovan is still on the run but not for long. I need you to handle him. Don’t worry about Damien. I got something for him and their bitch ass daddy.”
Andrea walked out answering the doorbell and I stood there in shock and horror watching a body burn. Those two continued to stand there unaffected and unmoved like this was everyday news. I knew my brother had seen some things. I knew he’s done malicious things too, but this took the cake. Burning a damn body in the middle of the day with your dogs watching to make sure he couldn’t break loose.
Was this the reason why the women had been bound to silence because the revenge inflicted on Elgin and Wayne was far greater than either of those could inflict?
“It’s time, Hendrix.” We all turned around to see a big dude in safety gear holding a rifle standing next to Andrea who was wiping her eyes. My eyes narrowed reading the bold words on his vest. US Marshal.
“Washington.” I wasn’t surprised that Quest knew him. “It’s been a while, Khiry. Unfortunate it had to be under these circumstances.”
While they went back and forth I watched Hendrix. He motioned Andrea to him and she went hesitantly. They spoke in hushed tones, him wiping her eyes and her shaking her head. Whatever he said she wasn’t in agreement with.
“There won’t likely be a bail hearing. The judge will deny it claiming that he’s a flight risk and has the means to leave the country.” Khiry explained. “Let’s go before they come in here to force you out.” He turned to walk out but stopped when he caught what was going on outside. “Really, Hendrix?”
Handing Quest a thick envelope, he shrugged, not caring at all what anyone had to say about what he did to Wayne. “This act of you feigning ignorance to knowing how I get down isn’t flattering, old friend.” His hard, cold eyes stumped Khiry to silence. “Sojourn will reach out to you in a couple of days. Give this to him. As far as what I asked, please don’t let me down.”
We followed behind them and stood on his porch watching Khiry place him under arrest. There were four other dark tinted SUVs with US Marshals waiting with their rifles in hand. This whole scene wasn’t making sense to me. Hendrix getting arrested damn sure didn’t. By the time they drove off his brothers were pulling up right along with the fire department and county coroner. Seeing they had everything under control we left taking Andrea with us. She’d been unusually quiet.
“Can you take me to see Amell, please? He’s out in Weston waiting on me.” That was the first thing she said since Hendrix was arrested.
“What were you doing there, Drea?” Quest revealed it was Khiry he was speaking with earlier and he’s the one who told him about Natalie and Elgin.
When the police arrived on the scene of the Dubri funeral home and checked the cameras, they were in shock to see Hendrix clear as day, beating him to death and killing him execution style. Now that part didn’t make sense. I’ve been sitting alongside Andrea for years when it came to her counseling troubled souls. Hendrix was my frat brother but he was also a man that I’ve been mentoring for years. Was his profession clean and legal? Not by chance. His family ran a lot of illegal businesses up in the Northern states. A few years ago he retired from that life and moved down to Florida to be closer to his sister.
The Hendrix Gordon I knew wasn’t this sloppy and careless. If I hadn’t seen the stuff he had on his walls or heard the conversations shared between him and Quest I wouldn’t believe he was responsible for any of this. On top of that, he had the means and ties to cover those murders up to where they weren’t traced back to him. He could have fled. He could’ve done a lot more than turn himself in.
There was a big piece of the puzzle missing.
“Point the anger you feel to someone else but not God, Quest,” Andrea spoke firmly. We’d just pulled up to the address she gave us and Amell was standing out front waiting. “You weren’t given a recent vision about Natalie because you would’ve interfered in what has to be done. Quincey, you weren’t given awareness for Hendrix or Natalie because what happened had to happen.” She sighed, trying to breathe through her emotions.
“I came on my own accord because I was given clarity on what was and to happen. Earthly power and heavenly power are not the same. One is given by men and the other is given by God.” Her voice trembled. “For years the Dubri family has done unimaginable things to women and children without consequence. Their father thought his political power would keep the voices of those abused by his hands and the hands of his sons would stay quiet. It’s not just them but generations of men who to this day have caused so much harm that if you stepped on the soil of St. David Cemetery you’d hear the souls of their victims screaming in agony. I don’t like being on the other side of God’s instruction because it makes me uncomfortable. But that family is about to have hail and brimstone rained down upon them and Hendrix was the one that needed to kickstart what has been placed in motion.” Amell helped her out of the truck, eyes narrowing as he took in her perplexed state.
Before closing the door, she grabbed our attention one last time.
“Natalie’s suicide. I can’t and won’t speak on that. I just won’t. And as for Damien, the younger brother. He’s dating Milan. Our Milan.” Our eyes locked as my jaw became slack. “I’ll be in touch.”
Pictures of Amari and Issa took up the majority of the wall space in Amell’s office. I expected his color scheme to be that of dark colors to match his dark aura, but it was decorated in warm nude hues. Pictures of him and Krishna were placed in frames along his massive bookshelves. Pictures of his nieces and nephews. A few of him and his brothers. Here is where you found the key to unlocking the map to his soft spot.
His family.
His Achilles heel.
“His bail has been denied just as I knew it was going to be.” Sojourn muttered, eyes so dark and piercing that I sat more nervous to be under his watch than Luna who glared right back with folded arms across her chest.
Cassian and Pacino were going to owe Amell new carpet from the wear and tear they were doing from pacing.
“I don’t see what the problem is. We didn’t do anything.” Bless Luna and her giant size balls between her legs.
After I told Cassian what happened he went off. I mean he cussed me out and sent me down to Amell’s house like I was a child that needed to be disciplined. He called Pacino and told him about the mission Luna and I went on. I guess I missed the memo to keep my mouth shut and not repeat what we did and saw. In my defense, I was scared and relieved in the same token.